China - Countries and Cultures by Salas, Laura Purdie
| Germany - Countries and Cultures by Salas, Laura Purdie
| Brazil - Countries and Cultures by Boraas, Tracey
| Egypt - Countries and Cultures by Boraas, Tracey
Japan - Countries and Cultures by Boraas, Tracey
| Beto and the Bone Dance by Freschet, Gina
| Therapeia : Plato's Conception of Philosophy by Cushman, Robert Earl
| Overall Equipment Effectiveness : A Powerful Production/Main by Hansen, Robert C.
Getting Right With God : Southern Baptists and Desegregation by Newman, Mark
| International Dictionary of Library Histories by Stam, David H. (Edt)
| Computers - Technoworld by Graham, Ian
| 1 Kings : A New Translation With Introduction and Commentary by Cogan, Mordechai (Edt)
Applications of Synthetic Resin Latices : Fundamental Chemis 1 by Warson, H./ Finch, C. A.
| Keeping Christmas : Yuletide Traditions in Norway and the Ne by Stokker, Kathleen
| Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine by Sheehan, Michael/ Joseph, P. M. (Edt)
| A More Perfect Union : Advancing New American Rights by Jackson, Jesse L., Jr./ Watkins, Frank E.
Guilty of Dancing the Cha Cha Cha by Cabrera Infante, G.
| Global Environmental Risk by Kasperson, Jeanne X. (Edt)/ Kasperson, Roger E. (Edt)
| The Feminist Dilemma : When Success Is Not Enough by Furchtgott-Roth, Diana/ Stolba, Christine
| Logic Puzzles to Bend Your Brain by Smith, Kurt
We're in Big Trouble, Blackboard Bear by Alexander, Martha
| Strike Two by Koss, Amy Goldman
| Crossing by Booth, Philip E./ Ibatoulline, Bagram (Ilt)
| Telling Tales on Caesar : Roman Stories from Phaedrus by Phaedrus/ Henderson, John/ Henderson, John
Handel : Who Knew What He Liked by Anderson, Matthew T./ Hawkes, Kevin (Ilt)/ Anderson, M. T.
| Environmental History in the Pacific World - The Pacific Wor by McNeill, John Robert (Edt)
| Pocket Menu Reader China - Lengenscheidt's Pocket Menu Reade by Langenscheidt Staff
| The Malt Whisky File : The Essential Guide for the Malt Whis by Lamond, John D./ Tucek, Robin
The Malt Whisky File : The Essential Guide for the Malt Whis by Lamond, John D./ Tucek, Robin
| Personal and Social Development for All by McLaughlin, Colleen/ Byers, Richard
| Mosaic 2 : Grammar by Werner, Patricia K./ Nelson, John P.
| Palm OS Programming : The Developer's Guide by Rhodes, Neil/ McKeehan, Julie
Canada - Countries and Cultures by Boraas, Tracey
| A Christmas Carol by Krensky, Stephen/ Morrissey, Dean/ Dickens, Charles/ Morrisey, Dean (I
| The Self-Determination of Peoples : Community, Nation, and S by Danspeckgruber, Wolfgang (Edt)
| Totally Terrific Family Games by MacGregor, Cynthia
Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution 7 by Kaminski, John P. (Edt)
| Earliest Italy : An Overview of the Italian Paleolithic and by Mussi, M./ Mussi, Margherita
| The Consumer Banking Regulatory Handbook : 2001-2002 by
| A Blizzard Year : Timmy's Almanac of the Seasons by Ehrlich, Gretel/ Kiesler, Kate (Ilt)
Mars - Exploring the Solar System by Sparrow, Giles
| Asteroids, Comets, & Meteors - Exploring the Solar System by Sparrow, Giles
| Jupiter - Exploring the Solar System by Sparrow, Giles
| The Burger and the Hot Dog by Aylesworth, Jim/ Gammell, Stephen (Ilt)
The Man Who Wore All His Clothes by Ahlberg, Allan/ McEwen, Katharine (Ilt)
| Hints & Pinches : A Concise Compendium of Aromatics, Chutney by Walter, Eugene
| Memory and Suggestibility in the Forensic Interview - Person by Eisen, Mitchell (Edt)/ Quas, Jodi A. (Edt)/ Goodman, Gail S. (Edt)
| Representations of the Social : Bridging Theoretical Traditi by Deaux, Kay (Edt)/ Philogene, Gina (Edt)
My Kingdom for a Horse : An Anthology of Poems About Horses by Schwartz, Betty Ann (Edt)/ Berenzy, Alix (Ilt)
| The Ordeal of the African Writer by Larson, Charles R.
| Hannah's Bookmobile Christmas by Derby, Sally/ Swiatkowska, Gabriela (Ilt)
| Emotionally Intelligent Living by Orme, Geetu
The Mightiest by Kasza, Keiko
| The Kaiser's Army : The Politics of Military Technology in G by Brose, Eric Dorn
| From Leaders to Rulers - Fundamental Issues in Archaeology by Haas, Jonathan/ Haas, Jonathan (Edt)
| The Indian Mutiny by Harris, John
Readings on Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood by Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen
| The Books of Fell by Kerr, M. E./ Kerr, M. E. Fell/ Kerr, M. E. Fell Back/ Kerr, M. E. F
| Landlording : A Handy Manual for Scrupulous Landlords and La by Robinson, Leigh/ Patton, David (Ilt)/ Robinson, Nancy (Ilt)/ Brown, Ja
| Multicultural Issues in Child Care by Gonzalez-Mena, Janet
Book of Soups : More Than 100 New Recipes from America's Pre by Donovan, Mary D. (Edt)/ Armentrout, Jennifer S. (Edt)/ Smith, Lorna (P
| Enjoy Your Cells - Enjoy Your Cells, 1 by Balkwill, Frances R./ Rolph, Mic/ Balkwill, Fran
| Adventures in Ocean Exploration : From the Discovery of the by Ballard, Robert D./ McConnell, Malcolm
| Environmental Law and Policy - University Casebook by Salzman, James/ Thompson, Barton H., Jr.
Great Prosecutions - Crime, Justice, and Punishment by Peacock, Nancy/ Sarat, Austin (Edt)/ Sarat, Austin
| Life on a Horse Farm - Life on a Farm by Wolfman, Judy/ Winston, David Lorenz (Pht)/ Winston, David Lorenz (Ilt
| A Necklace of Raindrops and Other Stories by Aiken, Joan/ Hawkes, Kevin (Ilt)
| Cultures in Conflict : The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Greenwood by Goldscheider, Calvin
Schaum's Outline of Operating Systems - Schaums Outlines by Harris, J. Archer, Ph.D./ Cordani, John, Ph.D.
| Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics and Ec by Salvatore, Dominick, Ph.D./ Reagle, Derrick
| Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication 5 by Jaeger, Richard C.
| Soils of the Past : An Introduction to Paleopedology by Retallack, Greg J.
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Infrastructure Design : Co-Existence by McCorry, Kieran/ Livengood, Donald
| Witzy's Colors by Spafford, Suzy
| Palazzi of Tuscany by
| Flash Actionscript for Designers : Drag, Slide, Fade by Dawes, Brendan
Airman's Guide - Airman's Guide by Valey, Wayne A.
| The Best Test Preparation for the Coop & (Cooperative Admiss by
| Plant Genotyping : The DNA Fingerprinting of Plants by Henry, Robert J. (Edt)/ Henry, R. J. (Edt)
| The Internet - Technoworld by Snedden, Robert
Heaven's Window : A Journey Through Northern New Mexico - Cr by Wallis, Michael/ Parsons, Jack (Pht)/ Parsons, Jack
| Basic Techniques for Successful Fly Tying : A Lesson by Less by Befus, Brad/ Berryman, John
| The Gryphon : In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of G by Bantock, Nick
| Presidential Recordings-John F. Kennedy : The Great Crises by Zelikow, Philip D. (Edt)/ Naftali, Timothy (Edt)/ May, Ernest R. (Edt)
Culture in Clinical Care by Bonder, Bette/ Martin, Laura, Phd/ Miracle, Andrew W., Phd/ Bonder, Be
| Innovative Conceptual Design : Theory and Application of Par by Kroll, Ehud/ Condoor, Sridhar S./ Jansson, David G.
| The Death Camps - Holocaust (Austin, Tex.). by Sheehan, Sean
| The Holocaust Causes by Levy, Patricia
The Three Little Kittens by Alter, Anna (Ilt)/ Alter, Anna
| The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins : An Illuminating Histor by Kerley, Barbara/ Selznick, Brian (Ilt)
| The Voice from the Edge : Midnight in the Sunken Cathedral by Ellison, Harlan
| Policing : A Short History - Policing and Society Series by Rawlings, Philip/ Newburn, Tim, Prof. (Edt)/ Johnston, Les, Prof. (Edt
Developing Positive Assertiveness - Fifty-Minute Series. by Lloyd, Sam R.
| Serbian Sturgeon : Journal of a Visit to Belgrade - Contempo 37 by Howell, Anthony
| Advanced Java 2 Platform : How to Program - How to Program by Deitel, Harvey/ Deitel, Paul/ Santry, S. E.
| The Language of the Modes : Studies in the History of Polyph by Wiering, Frans/ Wiering, Frans (Edt)
Transferring Wealth and Power from the Old to the New World by Bordo, Michael D. (Edt)/ Cortes-Conde, Roberto (Edt)/ Cortes Conde, Ro
| Input and Evidence : The Raw Material of Second Language Acq by Carroll, Susanne E.
| Rivka's First Thanksgiving by Rael, Elsa/ Kovalski, Maryann (Ilt)/ Rael, Elsa Okon
| Christian Crafts for Christmastime by Ross, Kathy/ Holm, Sharon Lane (Ilt)