Spike in the Kennel by Bogan, Paulette
| Troy by Geras, Adele
| Crazy Loco by Rice, David
| Fluffy's Funny Field Trip by McMullan, Kate/ Smith, Mavis (Ilt)
When You Grow Up by Goodings, Lennie/ Jones, Jenny (Ilt)
| The Dragon's Son by Thomson, Sarah L.
| Sacagawea Speaks : Beyond the Shining Mountains With Lewis & by Hunsaker, Joyce Badgley
| The Victim As Hero : Ideologies of Peace and National Identi by Orr, James Joseph
The Victim As Hero : Ideologies of Peace and National Identi by Orr, James Joseph
| The Death of Distance : How the Communications Revolution Is by Cairncross, Francis
| The Myth of Pope Joan by Boureau, Alain
| Ghost Wings by Joosse, Barbara M./ Potter, Giselle (Ilt)
The Origins of Creativity by Pfenninger, Karl H. (Edt)/ Shubik, Valerie R. (Edt)/ Adolphe, Bruce (E
| Modern Chinese Warfare, 1795-1989 - Warfare and History by Elleman, Bruce A.
| Assassination in Sarajevo : The Trigger for World War I - Po by Ross, Stewart
| Sylvia and Ted by Tennant, Emma
Why the Wild Things Are : Animals in the Lives of Children by Melson, L. Gail
| The Buddha : A Very Short Introduction - Very Short Introduc by Carrithers, Michael
| Practical Stereology by Russ, John C./ Dehoff, Robert T.
| Getting It Published : A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else by Germano, William
Advocacy After Bhopal : Environmentalism, Disaster, New Glob by Fortun, Kim
| Learner English : A Teacher's Guide to Interference and Othe by Swan, Michael (Edt)/ Smith, Bernard/ Swan, Michael/ Smith, Bernard (Ed
| Biomedical Ethics and Jewish Law by Rosner, Fred
| Virtual Gender : Technology, Consumption, and Identity by Green, Eileen (Edt)/ Adam, Alison (Edt)
Econometric Analysis of the Real Estate Market and Investmen by Wang, Peijie
| Education, Reform and the State : Twenty-Five Years of Polit by Phillips, Robert (Edt)/ Furlong, John (Edt)
| A Few Months to Live : Different Paths to Life's End by Staton, Jana/ Shuy, Roger W./ Byock, Ira
| The Publicity Handbook : The Inside Scoop from More Than 100 by Yale, David R./ Carothers, Andrew J.
Understanding the Hebrew Prophets by Isaacs, Ronald H.
| Toasts for Every Occasion by Conover, Jennifer Rahel (Edt)/ Conover, Jennifer Rahel
| Big Trouble : In Little Twinsville by Levy, Elizabeth/ Elliott, Mark (Ilt)
| Big Trouble in Little Twinsville by Levy, Elizabeth/ Elliott, Mark (Ilt)
The Theater of Tony Kushner : Living Past Hope by Fisher, James
| Transforming Madness : New Lives for People Living With Ment by Neugeboren, Jay
| African Game Trails : An Account of the African Wanderings o by Roosevelt, Theodore/ Brands, H. W. (Int)
| The Contemporary Crossword Dictionary by Libby, Thomas E./ Rousso, Douglas (Edt)
Collecting Dinky Toys by Richardson, Mike
| The Complete Guide to Hunting Knives by Hollis, Durwood
| Wire in Design : Modern Wire Art & Mixed Media by McGuire, Barbara A.
| The Collectible '70s : A Price Guide to the Polyester Decade by Goldberg, Michael Jay
Standard Price Guide to U.S. Scouting Collectibles - Standar by Cuhaj, George S./ Cuhaj, George
| The Dog Sitter's Handbook : A Personalized Guide for Your Pe by Anderson, Karen
| The Cat-Sitter's Handbook : A Personalized Guide for Your Pe by Anderson, Karen
| The 10-Minute Retriever : How to Make a Well-Mannered, Obedi by Dahl, John I./ Dahl, Amy/ Dahl, John
Java : Your Visual Blueprint for Building Portable Java Prog by Friedman-Hill, Ernest J., Dr.
| Eating in the Light : Making the Switch to Vegetarianism on by Virtue, Doreen/ Prelitz, Becky, M.A./ Virtue, Doreen, Phd/ Prelitz, Be
| Space Clearing A-Z : How to Use Feng Shui to Purify and Bles by Linn, Denise
| Zen Cards by Levin, Daniel
The Little Money Bible : Ten Laws of Abundance by Wilde, Stuart
| Feng Shui : Personal Paradise Cards by Collins, Terah Kathryn
| Draw Write Now, Book 8 : Animals of the World, Dry Land Anim by Hablitzel, Marie/ Stitzer, Kim
| Roman Dirge's Lenore : Noogies Collecting 'Lenore', Issues 1 by Dirge, Roman
International Police Cooperation : A World Perspective by Koenig, Daniel J. (Edt)/ Das, Dilip K. (Edt)/ International Police Exe
| Perspective - Step-By-Step Leisure Arts 19 by Smith, Ray Campbell
| Flowers in Oil - Step-By-Step Leasure Arts 13 by Gregory, Noel
| Chinese : A Language Map by Kershul, Kristinek
Hebrew : A Language Map by Kershul, Kristine K.
| Michelin in Your Pocket Montreal by
| Michelin the Green Guide Austria - Michelin Green Guide : Au by
| Michelin the Green Guide Normandy : Channel Islands - Michel by
Michelin the Green Guide Berlin and Potsdam - Michelin Green by
| Cliffscomplete Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Clif by Wasowski, Richard P., Ma (Edt)
| Cliffscomplete Carrollェs Alice in Wonderland - Cliffs Comple by Cliffsnotes (Edt)
| Cliffsap Calculus Ab & Bc by King, Kerry
Golf over 40 for Dummies - For Dummies by Blackburn, Kelly/ Eubanks, Steve
| Poetry for Dummies - For Dummies by Timpane, John (Edt)/ Watts, Maureen/ Timpane, John/ Watts, Maureen (Ed
| Internet Pioneers : The Cyber-Elite - Collective Biographies by French, Laura
| At Fault by Chopin, Kate/ Green, Suzanne Disheroon (Edt)/ Caudle, David J. (Edt)/
Beyond the Easel : Decorative Painting by Bonnard, Vuillard, by Groom, Gloria Lynn/ Barruel, Therese/ Paoletti, Jennifer/ Groom, Glori
| Theatre/Archaeology : Disciplinary Dialogues by Pearson, Mike/ Shanks, Michael
| The Wrinkle Cure : Unlock the Power of Cosmeceuticals for Su by Perricone, Nicholas
| Smart but Stuck : Emotional Aspects of Learning Disabilities by Orenstein, Myrna
Chicago and the Old Northwest, 1673-1835 : A Study of the Ev by Quaife, Milo Milton/ Duis, Perry R. (Int)
| A Narrative of Events, Since the First of August, 1834 - Lat by Williams, James/ Paton, Diana (Edt)/ Paton, Diana
| Raising a Child With Autism : A Guide to Applied Behavior An by Richman, Shira
| Umar Ibn Al-Farid : Sufi Verse, Saintly Life - Classics of W by Ibn Al-Farid, Umar Ibn Ali/ Homerin, Th. Emil/ Sibt Ibn Al-Farid
Archaeological Perspectives on the American Civil War by Geier, Clarence R. (Edt)/ Potter, Stephen R. (Edt)/ Geier, Clarence R.
| Life's Matrix : A Biography of Water by Ball, Philip
| Scandalmonger : A Novel - Harvest Book by Safire, William
| Capitalism and Social Progress : The Future of Society in a by Brown, Phillip/ Lauder, Hugh
Knowing Good Schools : A Guide to Rating Public High Schools by Warner, Dorothy/ Guthrie, William D.
| Labor Unions, Partisan Coalitions, and Market Reforms in Lat by Murillo, Maria Victoria
| Handbook of Pragmatics : 1999 Installment by Verschueren, Jef/ Ostman, Jan-Ola/ Blommaert, Jan/ Bulcaen, Chris
| A Gardener's Guide to Florida's Native Plants by Osorio, Rufino
Free to Succeed : Designing the Life You Want in the New Fre by Reinhold, Barbara B.
| The Big Book of Blues : A Biographical Encyclopedia by Santelli, Robert
| Great Good Thing by Townley, Rod
| The Hershey's Kisses Addition Book by Pallotta, Jerry/ Bolster, Rob (Ilt)
Westminster Tales : The Twenty-First-Century Crisis in Briti by Barnett, Steve/ Gaber, Ivor
| Pocket Guide East Coast Inshore Salt Water Fishing : How to by Creative Publishers Intl (Edt)
| Women Who Run With the Wolves by Estes, Clarissa Pinkola
| Chicken Soup for the Father's Soul : Stories to Open the Hea by Canfield, Jack (Edt)/ Hansen, Mark Victor/ Donnelly, Mark/ Donnelly, C
Chicken Soup for the Father's Soul : Stories to Open the Hea by Canfield, Jack (Edt)/ Hansen, Mark Victor/ Donnelly, Mark/ Donnelly, C
| The Love Song of the Universe by Sparrowdancer, Mary
| Beyond the Twelve Steps : Roadmap to a New Life by Grabhorn, Lynn
| Antarctica - Continents (Hfl). by Foster, Leila Merrell/ Foster, Leila
Hand Applique With Alex Anderson : Seven Projects for Hand A by Anderson, Alex
| Snowflakes & Quilts by Nadelstern, Paula
| State and Revolution in Cuba : Mass Mobilization and Politic by Whitney, Robert
| Black Newspapers and America's War for Democracy, 1914-1920 by Jordan, William G.