イラク戦争とその帰結:ノーベル平和賞受賞者および著名学者による見解<br>Iraq War and Its Consequences, The: Thoughts of Nobel Peace Laureates and Eminent Scholars (Series on the Iraq War and Its Consequences)


Iraq War and Its Consequences, The: Thoughts of Nobel Peace Laureates and Eminent Scholars (Series on the Iraq War and Its Consequences)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 464 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9789812385888
  • DDC分類 956.70443


Includes more than 30 Nobel Peace laureates and eminent scholars: Tenzin Gyatso (the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet), Jose Ramos-Horta (Foreign Minister of East Timor), Frederik Willem de Klerk (Former President of South Africa), Noam Chomsky, Joseph Stiglitz, John W. Dower, et al.

Full Description

An extraordinary collection of essays by Nobel Peace laureates and leading scholars on the concluded Iraq War, The Iraq War and its Consequences is the First and Only book that brings together more than 30 Nobel Peace laureates and eminent scholars to offer opinions, analyses and insights on the war that has drawn both widespread opposition and strong support.In this intellectually captivating book, Professor Irwin Abrams, considered the leading authority world-wide on the history of the Nobel Peace Prize and Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Antioch University, and Professor Wang Gungwu, renowned historian and Director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, have collected works of notable laureates and scholars from diverse backgrounds. The Nobel Peace laureates and eminent scholars, together, expound on the consequences and impacts of the Iraq War — an effort that has not been made before. In conclusion, there are two sermons by Gunnar Stålsett, Bishop of Oslo.The Prominent Contributors are:Nobel Peace LaureatesTenzin Gyatso (The Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet, 1989)David Trimble (MP, Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, UK, 1998)Jody Williams (International Ambassador of International Campaign to Ban Landmines, USA, 1997)Sir Joseph Rotblat (Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, UK, 1995)Jose Ramos-Horta (Foreign Minister of East Timor, 1996)Frederik Willem de Klerk (Former President of South Africa, 1993)Mairead Corrigan Maguire (Co-founder, Community of Peace People, Northern Ireland, UK, 1976)Bernard Lown (Co-founder, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 1985)Peter Hansen (Commissioner-General, United Nations Relief and Works Agency, UN, 1945)Irene Khan (Sec-General, Amnesty International, 1977)Mary Ellen McNish (Executive Secretary, American Friends Service Committee, USA, 1947)Brian Philips of Oxford Brookes University (Quaker Peace and Social Witness, UK, 1947)Cora Weiss, President (Permanent International Peace Bureau, 1910)Christian Dominice (Sec-General, Institute of International Law, 1904)Eminent ScholarsNoam Chomsky (Prominent Political Critic, Professor of Linguistics, MIT)Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel laureate in Economics 2001, Columbia University)Richard A Falk (Albert G Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice, Emeritus, Princeton University)Sir John Daniel (UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education)John W Dower (Pulitzer Prize winner & Elting E. Morison Professor of History, MIT)Eric Stover (Director of Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley)Frank N von Hippel (Professor of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University)Lord Colin Renfrew of Kaimsthorn (Director of McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge University)William Hartung (Director of Institute's Arms Trade Resource Center, World Policy Institute)Benjamin R Foster (Professor of Assyriology and Curator of the Yale Babylonian Collection, Yale University)Svetlana Broz (Sarajevo Cardiologist, Author and Lecturer)Faleh A Jabar (Iraq specialist and Research Fellow, Birkbeck College, London University)Lisa Martin (Professor of Government, Harvard University)Helena Cobban (Middle-East Specialist and Columnist for Christian Science Monitor)Mahmood Mamdani (Director of Institute of African Studies, Columbia University)Rosemary Foot (Professor of International Relations, Modern History, Oxford University)Robin Lakoff (Professor of Linguistics, UC Berkeley)Roland Paris (Political Science and International Affairs, University of Colorado at Boulder)


Economic Costs and Consequences of War; US Foreign Policy in Middle-East; Role of United Nations and Multilateral International Organizations; Human Rights Issues; Looting of Archaeological Artifacts from Iraq Museums; Education of Iraqis after War; Rebuilding of Iraq; Weapons of Mass Destruction; Impact of war on American Society; Lessons from the War.
