ウル第III期の租税制度<br>Provincial Taxation in the Ur III State (Cuneiform Monographs)


Provincial Taxation in the Ur III State (Cuneiform Monographs)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 382 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9789004135819
  • DDC分類 336.200935


Specivically, the book focuses on one system of taxation known as "bala," or "rotation," so called as provinces' payments rotated month by month throughout the year.

Full Description

This volume investigates the relationship between the central government and the provinces during the Ur III period (2112-2004 B.C.). Specifically, the book focuses on one system of taxation known as "bala," or "rotation," so called as provinces' payments rotated month by month throughout the year. This work is the first to take an interarchival approach, discussing Sumerian tablets from Umma, Lagash and Puzriš-Dagan, and is the first major synthesis of what has long been recognized as a fundamental institution. The book contains six chapters and detailed appendices (including charts, the edition of approximately 150 previously unpublished tablets and bibliographical material).


Chapter One, Introduction
Chapter Two, The Bala of the Province of Umma.
Chapter Three, The Bala of the Province of Lagash
Chapter Four, The Bala of the Province of Umma, Part II (Livestock)
Chapter Five, The Bala of the Province of Lagash, Part II (Livestock)
Chapter Six, Overview and Conclusions
List of Sources of Published Texts
Tablets from Yale
Tablets from the British Museum
Tablets from the Harvard Semitic Museum
Tablet in a private collection
Concordance of Tablet Numbers
List of Abbreviations
Index of Charts
Charts 2.1-2.31
Charts 3.1-3.19
Charts 4.1-4.12
Charts 5.1-5.9
Chart 6.1
Photo, BM 106178 (Gomi-Sato 536)