Inuit in Cyberspace : Embedding Offline Identities Online


Inuit in Cyberspace : Embedding Offline Identities Online

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 136 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9788772897233
  • DDC分類 306.0899712

Full Description

In this cyber-ethnography, Neil Blair Christensen explores the processes by which a wide selection of personal, local, cultural and national identities are expressed and understood on the Internet. The different Inuit peoples of the circumpolar Arctic have always taken active part in the world, but their contemporary use of Internet(s) has affected even more their relative isolation -- one that comes from living in a peripheral region of the world. Yet, Inuit and others are constructing web pages with social and physical references that sustain an imagined Arctic remoteness; a logic that seems to be a key aspect of Inuit identities and cultures. The book brings together in analysis and discussion the realities of contemporary Inuit, the myth of cyberspace and a selection of dynamic strategies for identification. It concludes that Inuit dynamically remain Inuit, in all their diversity, regardless of an imagined compression of time and space; their use of changing technologies, or participation in enlarged social networks.
