Mammalian Carbohydrate Recognition Systems (Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation)


Mammalian Carbohydrate Recognition Systems (Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 269 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9783540673354
  • DDC分類 572.5619

Full Description

In the last decade there has been a great expansion in our knowledge of the existence, nature and functions of mammalian carbohydrate binding proteins. This book covers the structures and postulated functions for the major classes of mammalian carbohydrate binding proteins. These include intracellular lectins involved in diverse functions such as protein synthesis quality control, targetting of lysosomal enzymes and in the secretory pathway. In addition, several chapters are devoted to other major families of lectins that are found at the cell surface or in extracellular fluids which are involved in various recognition functions such as cell-cell interactions in inflammation and recognition of pathogen carbohydrates in host defence.


Lectins of the ER Quality Control Machinery; MR60/ERGIC-53, a Mannose-Specific Shuttling Intracellular Membrane Lectin; The Cation-Dependent Mannose 6-Phosphate Receptor; Galectins Structure and Function: A Synopsis; Structure and Function of CD44: Characteristic Molecular Features and Analysis of the Hyaluronan Binding Site; Structure and Function of the Macrophage Mannose Receptor; The Man/GalNAc-4-SO4-Receptor has Multiple Specificities and Functions; Sialoadhesin Structure; Ligands for Siglecs; Function of Selectins; Carbohydrate Ligands for the Leukocyte-Endothelium Adhesion Molecules, Selectins; Structure and Functions of Mammalian Collectins.
