Full Description
This volume contains the proceedings of the 200 I International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2(01) held at the Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg, September 3-5,2001. OR 200 1 was organized under the auspices of the German Society of Operations Research, Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR e. V.). The conference and the annual general meeting were attended by 360 participants from 20 countries. The presentation of 220 papers was organized in 15 sections. According to Duisburg as hosting city for this event OR 200 1 emphasized on contributions of OR in the areas of energy, transport and traftk. The program consisted of2 plenary lectures (Reinhard Selten and Jörg Hennerkes) and 15 invited semiplenary lectures. 97 papers were submitted for publication. Following the advice of the section chairs the program committee decided to accept 59 papers for this volume. The selected manuscripts will be published also in electronic form on the W orld Wide Web at http://www.uni-duisburg.de/or200 1. We want to thank all referees and authors for delivering their final manuscript in due time. We are also grateful to the other members of the local organizing committee and especially to Stefan Krebs, Corinna Schu and David Betge for the perfect conference management. Roland Düsing, Ralph Gollmer and Steffen Stock supported us in editing the abstracts and the final version of this proceeding volume. Last but not least thanks to all the assistants and student assistants for their operations on OR 2001 in Duisburg.
Routing a Fleet of Vehicles for Dynamic Combined Pick-up and Deliveries Services.- Simulating Delays for Realistic Time-Table Optimization.- Was kann Operations Research für die Verkehrstelematik leisten?.- Some Practical Aspects of Periodic Timetabling.- Pickup & Delivery-Probleme mit Umlademöglichkeit. Ein Tourenplanungsproblem aus der Automobilzulieferindustrie.- Zentrale Datenbasis im Energiehandel.- Der Einsatz der Clusteranalyse zur Definition von Referenzanlagen.- MESAP/Times — Advanced Decision Support for Energy and Environmental Planning.- Modellierung und Implementierung von Stammdaten für die Demontageplanung und -Steuerung mit ERP-Systemen.- Energy/Environmental Modeling with the MARKAL Family of Models.- Decision Trees with Parametric Enlarged Local Search.- Acquisition of High-Value Customers for Automotive Banks.- Quantitative Entscheidungsunterstützung für das Preismanagement von TK-Dienstleistungen.- The Estimation of Market Volumes.- Strategies for Capacity Planning in a Complex Production System.- A Simple Queueing Model for the Estimation of Man Machine Interference in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication.- Optimal Coordination of Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Decisions in Case of Product Substitution.- Planning Sales Territories — A Facility Location Approach.- Eine spieltheoretische Analyse von Zulieferer-Abnehmer-Beziehungen auf Basis des JELS-Modells.- Ein bedingtes Mehrfaktorenmodell zur Quantifizierung der Renditen von Bankaktien auf dem deutschen Kapitalmarkt.- Optimization of European Double-Barrier Options via Optimal Control of the Black-Scholes-Equation.- How to Incorporate Estimation Risk into Markowitz Optimization.- Risk-/Return-orientierte Optimierung des Gesamtbank-Portfolios unter Verwendung des Conditional Value at Risk.-Optimal Properties for Scheduling Deteriorating Jobs for the Total Completion Time Minimization.- Bicriterion Approach to a Single Machine Time-Dependent Scheduling Problem.- Multi-machine Scheduling Problem with Optimal Due Interval Assignment Subject to Generalized Sum Type Criterion.- Storage Problems in Batch Scheduling.- Eine Entscheidung auf Leben und Tod: Decision Support für AIDS-Kontroll-Programme in Ostafrika.- Facilities Layout for Social Institutions.- Slice Models in GAMS.- On Optimal Control of Heating Processes.- On the Relations Between Different Dual Problems in Convex Mathematical Programming.- Total Weighted Completion Time Minimization in a Problem of Scheduling Deteriorating Jobs.- Sensitive Analysis of a Vector Quadratic Lexicographic Boolean Programming Problem.- Some Relations Between Consecutive Ones and Betweenness Polytopes.- Solving One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problems with Multiple Stock Material Lengths Using Cutting Plane Approach.- Computational Problems that can be Solved Without Computations.- Partitions-requirements-matrices.- On-Line Simulation of Large Scale Networks.- Process-Identification and Optimization of Technical Investments with TEM ?. Bubbles, Quelros and Environmental Management.- Economic Growth, Emission Reduction and the Choice of Energy Technology in a Dynamic-Game Framework.- Measuring Credit Risk: Can we Benefit from Sequential Nonparametric Control?.- Die rationale Marketing-Mix Entscheidung bei vager Kenntnis einzelner Instrumentwirkungen.- Investitionsentscheidungen bei mehrfachen Zielsetzungen und künstliche Ameisen.- Experience-Based Decision Making and Learning from Examples.- Vektoroptimierung bei korrelierten Zielen.- Relevanz von Information in konditionalen Entscheidungsmodellen.- Bestimmung derGewichte bei Mehrzielentscheidungen. Eine vergleichende Analyse ausgewählter Verfahren.- Wissen ist meßbar.- Constraint Satisfaction by Means of Dynamic Polyhedra.- Multi-Agent FX-Market Modeling by Neural Networks.- Zeitoptimierte Assoziationsanalyse durch Stichprobenauswahl dargestellt am Beispiel aus der Telekommunikationsbranche.- A Metaheuristic-based DSS for Portfolio Optimization.- Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren für die Erstellung universitärer Multimediakurse — mit einem Beispiel aus dem Bereich OR.- Integration von OR-Modellen in die Logistikausbildung: Bearbeitung von Fallbeispielen mit einem Softwarepaket für Studenten.- A Survey of Educational Resources on the Internet.- Internet-based Exercises and Mini-exams for Production and Operations Management.- Mathematische Optimierung zur Unterstützung kundenorientierter Disposition im Schienenverkehr.- Anlagenbelegungsplanung in der Prozeßindustrie.- List of Authors and Coauthors.