リモートセンシング地理学(第2版)<br>Remote Sensing Geology (2nd ed. 2002. 655 p. w. 162 b&w and 29 col. figs. 27,5 cm)

Remote Sensing Geology (2nd ed. 2002. 655 p. w. 162 b&w and 29 col. figs. 27,5 cm)

  • ただいまウェブストアではご注文を受け付けておりません。 ⇒古書を探す
  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 655 p.
  • 商品コード 9783540431855


Describes the integration of photogeology into remote sensing as well as how remote sensing is used as a tool of geo-exploration.


For nearly three decades there has been a phenomenal growth in the field of Remote Sensing. The second edition of this widely acclaimed book has been fully revised and updated. The reader will find a wide range of information on: various aspects of geological remote sensing, ranging from laboratory spectra of minerals and rocks, ground truth, to aerial and space-borne remote sensing. This volume describes the integration of photogeology into remote sensing as well as how remote sensing is used as a tool of geo-exploration. It also covers a wide spectrum of geoscientific applications of remote sensing ranging from mesoto global scale. The subject matter is presented at a basic level, serving students as an introductory text on remote sensing. The main part of the book will also be of great value to active researchers.
(Table of content)
From the contents:
- Introduction
- Physical Principles
- Spectra of Minerals and Rocks
- Photography
- Multispectral Imaging Systems
- Geometric Aspects of Photographs and Images
- Image Quality and Principles of Interpretation
- Interpretation of Data in the Solar Reflection Region
- Interpretation of Data in the Thermal Infrared Region
- Digital Image Processing of Multispectral Data
- Hyperspectral Sensing
- Microwave Sensors
- Inter- pretation of SLAR Imagery
- SAR Interferometry
- Integrating Remote Sensing Data with Other Geodata (GIS Approach)
- Geological Applications.