Successful Management by Motivation : Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives (Organization and Management Innovation) (2002. XVI, 299 p. w. 24 figs. 24 cm)


Successful Management by Motivation : Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives (Organization and Management Innovation) (2002. XVI, 299 p. w. 24 figs. 24 cm)

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Shows how companies can create favorable conditions that fasten the development of intrinsic work motivation.

Full Description

Motivated people are crucial to create a sustainable competitive advantage for your company. Successful Management by Motivation shows that in a knowledge-based society, this goal cannot be achieved by extrinsic motivation alone. Pay for performance often even hurts because it crowds out intrinsic motivation like work morale. To succeed, companies have to find ways of fostering and sustaining intrinsic motivation. With the help of in-depth case studies, representative surveys, and analyses based on a large number of firms and employees, this joint work of business researchers and economists identifies the various aspects of motivation in companies and shows how the right combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be achieved.


I. Motivation —A Dual-Edged Factor of Production.- II. Motivation and Knowledge as Strategic Resources.- III. How Does Pay Influence Motivation?.- IV. Stock Options for Top Managers — The Possibilities and Limitations of a Motivational Tool.- V. Pay for Performance: Motivation and Selection Effects.- VI. Motivation and Organizational Forms.- VII. Fairness as a Motivator.- VIII. Management of the Unwritten — How You Can Improve Employment Relationships Through Participation and Communication.- IX. Managing Motivation in the Banking Industry: The ING Barings Case Study.- X. Managing Motivation in Software Development — A Case Study at SAP AG.- XI. Managing Motivation to Achieve a Sustainable Competitive Advantage.- Authors.- References.