Introduction to Cluster Dynamics (2003. XIV, 327 p. w. 151 figs. 24 cm)


Introduction to Cluster Dynamics (2003. XIV, 327 p. w. 151 figs. 24 cm)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 300 p.
  • 商品コード 9783527403455

Full Description

Clusters as mesoscopic particles represent an intermediate state of matter between single atoms and solid material. The tendency to miniaturise technical objects requires knowledge about systems which contain a "small" number of atoms or molecules only. This is all the more true for dynamical aspects, particularly in relation to the qick development of laser technology and femtosecond spectroscopy.
Here, for the first time is a highly qualitative introduction to cluster physics. With its emphasis on cluster dynamics, this will be vital to everyone involved in this interdisciplinary subject. The authors cover the dynamics of clusters on a broad level, including recent developments of femtosecond laser spectroscopy on the one hand and time-dependent density functional theory calculations on the other.


1. Basic features
2. Experimental access
3. Theoretical description
4. Gross properties and trends
5. More on Dynamics in the non-linear regime
6. Conclusion
7. Appendices