Escape from Fire Island! : A Date with Destiny Adventure

  • 電子版あり

Escape from Fire Island! : A Date with Destiny Adventure

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781931686402
  • DDC分類 813

Full Description

Remember the best-selling Choose Your Own Adventure series that you read as a kid? This hilarious parody features the same format and similar illustrations - but the story is a whole new kind of adventure! Like an interactive version of Queer as Folk or Sex and the City, the story chronicles your weekend vacation on Fire Island, where you're hoping to find true love. What you find instead is much more shocking - a deadly plague of Zombie Drag Queens! - and it's up to you to save Fire Island from an army of shrieking divas. On every page, You have control of the story: If you ask the lifeguard to bring you to the sheriff's office, turn to page 128. If you ask the lifeguard to warn everyone at the night club, turn to page 51. If you ask the lifeguard if he'd like to work out sometime, turn to page 117. What happens next in the story? It all depends on the choices You make! And the best part is, you can keep reading and re-reading until you've had not one but many incredible adventures!
