Presents extracts from classic texts together in one volume, accompanied by information about the author, and an introduction by the editors.
Full Description
Inequalities in health, in terms of both empirical evidence and policies to tackle their reduction, are currently high on the research and political agendas. This reader provides two centuries of historical context to the current debate.
Poverty, inequality and health in Britain: 1800-2000 presents extracts from classic texts on the subject of poverty, inequality and health in Britain. For the first time, these key resources are presented in a single volume. Each extract is accompanied by information about the author, and an introduction by the editors draws together themes of change and continuity over two hundred years. Some extracts present empirical evidence of the relationship of poverty and health, while others describe the gritty reality of the everyday struggles of the poor.
This book will be of interest to students, researchers, academics and policy makers working in a range of disciplines: the social sciences, historical studies and health. It will also be of interest to all those concerned with tackling health inequalities and social justice generally.
Studies in poverty, inequality and social exclusion series
Series Editor: David Gordon, Director, Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research.
Poverty, inequality and social exclusion remain the most fundamental problems that humanity faces in the 21st century. This exciting series, published in association with the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research at the University of Bristol, aims to make cutting-edge poverty related research more widely available.
For other titles in this series, please follow the series link from the main catalogue page.
Introduction; Further reading; Timeline; Extracts from: Thomas Clarkson's An essay on the impolicy of the African slave trade (1788) and An essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species, particularly the African (1785, 1817); Thomas Malthus' An essay on the principle of population (1798, 1985); Factory Inquiry Commission Report (1833); William Farr's Vital statistics: A memorial volume (1837, 1885, 1975); Edwin Chadwick's Report on the sanitary conditions of the labouring population of Gt Britain (1842, 1965); Friedrich Engels' The condition of the working class in England (1845, 1987); Henry Mayhew's London labour and the London poor (1851-52); Karl Marx's Inaugural address of the International Working Men's Association (1864, 1992); Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree's Poverty: A study of town life (1901, 1971); Charles Booth's On the city: Physical pattern and social structure (1902-3, 1967); Maud Pember Reeves' Round about a pound a week (1913, 1988); Robert Tressell's The ragged trousered philanthropists (1914, 1955); Edgar L. Collis and Major Greenwood's The health of the industrial worker (1921); Frank W. White's 'Natural and social selection: a "Blue-Book" analysis' (1928); George C.M. M'Gonigle and J. Kirby's Poverty and public health (1936); John Boyd Orr's Food, health and income (1936, 1937); Wal Hannington's The problem of distressed areas (1937); Margery Spring Rice's Working-class wives: Their health and conditions (1939); William Beveridge's Social Insurance and Allied Services (1942); Richard Titmuss' Birth, poverty and wealth (1943); J.N. Morris' Health (1944); John Hewetson's Ill-health, poverty and the state (1946); Aneurin Bevan's In place of fear (1947); Brian Abel-Smith and Peter Townsend's The poor and the poorest (1965); Robert Roberts' The classic slum: Salford life in the first quarter of the century (1971); Julian Tudor Hart's 'The inverse care law' (1971); Inequalities in health: Report of a Research Working Group chaired by Sir Douglas Black (The Black Report) (1980); Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health (The Acheson Report) (1998).