Gives a clear understanding of the growth and operation of special educational needs Parent Partnership Services (PPSs).
Full Description
This book gives a clear understanding of the growth and operation of special educational needs Parent Partnership Services (PPSs). The reader will find an explanation of the broader national and legal context of PPSs, followed by contributions written by Parent Partnership Coordinators and parent workers in various regions. They describe what they actually do, including their work with and support for parents and carers of children with special educational needs.
The book includes information on the latest special needs and disability rights legislation; descriptions of innovative good practice in setting up and operating PPSs; case studies from practitioners; advice on how to liaise effectively with other professionals and agencies; guidance on giving and receiving training, especially for independent parental supporters (IPSs); and ways of implementing disagreement resolution schemes.
Parent Partnership Coordinators will find this book particularly useful. Special Educational Needs Coordinators, SENCOs, educational psychologists, IPSs and parents will also find it a relevant and timely publication.
Part 1 National Contexts and Developments in Parent Partnership Services; Chapter 1 An account of the genesis and growth of Parent Partnership Services, Sheila Wolfendale; Chapter 2 Disability rights in education: challenges and opportunities in the SEN and Disability Act 2001, Philippa Russell; Chapter 3 The development of the National Parent Partnership Network, Philippa Stobbs; Chapter 4 Practitioners pioneering partnership: the development of napps, Dave Reid, Chris Goodwin-King; Part 2 Illustrations from Practice in Parent Partnership Services; Chapter 5 Parent Partnership and school improvement: an Eastern Region perspective, Eithne Leming; Chapter 6 Parent Partnership in Walsall, Angela Jackman; Chapter 7 Parent Partnership Services in Islington: a strategic approach, Ann Braham; Chapter 8 Joined up working: perspectives on the development of Parent Partnership Services in the South West of England, Sheila Clarkson, Roger Parnell, Christopher Onions; Chapter 9 Independence and empowerment: Independent Parental Support as an integral component of a support structure for parents in Essex, Jill Lloyd; Chapter 10 Pioneering Parent Partnership Services in Wales: the SNAP Cymru experience, Roger Bishop;