Texan Army : 1836-46 (Men-at-arms) -- Paperback / softback

Texan Army : 1836-46 (Men-at-arms) -- Paperback / softback

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 48 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781841765938
  • DDC分類 973

Full Description

For ten extraordinary years following its successful revolution and independence from Mexico, Texas was a sovereign republic with its own army and navy. It fought not only to defend itself against Indians and Mexicans, but also to extend its frontiers to the Pacific. This absorbing text tells the little-known story of the armies of the Texan Revolution and the independent Republic of Texas and is illustrated with many rare images that add colour to this insightful book.


The three armies of the Texan Revolution - Austin at San Antonio - Travis at the Alamo - Fannin at La Bahia - Houston at San Jacinto - Texian Militia - US volunteers - New Orleans Greys - Alabama Red Rovers - Texian regulars - Tampico Blues - Travis' Cavalry - 1st Texian Infantry - Texian Dragoons - The army of the Republic - 1839 regulations: infantry - cavalry - ordnance - marines - Galveston Coast Guards