Development and Management of Virtual Schools : Issues and Trends


Development and Management of Virtual Schools : Issues and Trends

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 350 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781591401544
  • DDC分類 371.334


Contents: The Nature of Virtual Schooling; Virtual School Teachers Characterized; Academic and Social Success of Virtual School Students; Measuring Quality of Virtual Schools; etc.

Full Description

Virtual schools are a result of widespread changes in knowledge about learning, in available technology and in society. Virtual schooling is growing in popularity and will continue to attract students because of the benefits it offers over traditional schooling. Stakeholders in virtual schools need information to guide their decisions. For the foreseeable future, virtual schools will continue to meet diverse student needs, and to evolve in response to further change. This brings together knowledge of virtual schools as a reference for scholars and other groups involved in virtual schools. The chapters review best practice from concept and development, through implementation and evaluation.