e-Business Innovation and Change Management


e-Business Innovation and Change Management

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781591401384
  • DDC分類 658.054678


E-business and change management have often been addressed as separate issues. This book provides an understanding of the interdependence and synergy between the two.

Full Description

E-business is an innovation that brings with it new ways of dealing with customers and business partners, new revenue streams, new ways of processing information, new organization structures, new skill sets, electronic supply chains, new standards and policies, new collaborations, the need for adaptable business strategies and effective management of associated changes. However, e-business and change management have often been addressed as separate issues by organizations, often leading to disappointing results. E-Business Innovation and Change Management addresses e-business innovation and change management issues. It provides an understanding of the interdependence and synergy between the two issues and that a holistic approach is imperative for organizations to survive in this new economy and achieve a competitive advantage. The book includes chapters from leading academics around the world on change management, which has bee identified as an important barrier to e-business success.