Whistleblowing : When it Works - and Why


Whistleblowing : When it Works - and Why

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 170 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781588261144
  • DDC分類 306.36


Case studies from the tobacco industry to NASA illustrate how individual efforts can and do transform institutions and shape public policy.

Full Description

Whistleblowers can ruin lives - and can save them. Is it worth it? Roberta Ann Johnson explores when and how - and to what effect - people make the choice to blow the whistle. Engrossing case studies from the tobacco industry, to NASA, to the FDA illustrate clearly how individual efforts can and do transform institutions, shape public policy, and serve as a force for democratization. Roberta Johnson explores when and how - and to what effect - people make the choice to blow the whistle.


Introduction. The Insider: Jeffrey Wigand and the Tobacco Industry. Deciding to Become a Whistleblower: NASA and Roger Boisjoly; Cindy Ossias and the California DOI. The Whistleblower as Policy Entrepreneur: Hal Freeman and the OCR; Hugh Kaufman and the EPA. An Impact on the Agency: Barbara Moulton and the FDA. Protecting the Whistleblower: The INS and Neil Jacobs. Whistleblowing: A Force for Democratization?