コルシニ心理学辞典(新版)<br>The Dictionary of Psychology

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The Dictionary of Psychology

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 1174 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781583913284
  • DDC分類 150.3


New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2000. Offers over 30,000 entries (including interdisciplinary terms and contemporary slang), more than 125 illustrations, as well as extensive cross-referencing of entries.

Full Description

With more than three times as many defined entries, biographies, illustrations, and appendices than any other dictionary of psychology ever printed in the English language, Raymond Corsini's Dictionary of Psychology is indeed a landmark resource. The most comprehensive, up-to-date reference of its kind, the Dictionary also maintains a user-friendliness throughout. This combination ensures that it will serve as the definitive work for years to come. With a clear and functional design, and highly readable style, the Dictionary offers over 30,000 entries (including interdisciplinary terms and contemporary slang), more than 125 illustrations, as well as extensive cross-referencing of entries. Ten supportive appendices, such as the Greek Alphabet, Medical Prescription Terms, and biographies of more than 1,000 deceased contributors to psychology, further augment the Dictionary's usefulness. Over 100 psychologists as well as numerous physicians participated as consulting editors, and a dozen specialist consulting editors reviewed the material. Dr. Alan Auerbach, the American Psychological Association's de facto dictionary expert, served as the senior consulting editor. As a final check for comprehensiveness and accuracy, independent review editors were employed to re-examine, re-review, and re-approve every entry.


How to Use This Dictionary. Appendices: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Affixes; DSM-IV Terms; The Greek Alphabet; Medical Prescription Terms; Systems of Treatment; Measuring Instruments; Symbols; Learning Theory Symbols; Rorschach Descriptions; Biographies. Index.
