The French Revolutionary Wars (Essential Histories)

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The French Revolutionary Wars (Essential Histories)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 96 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781579583651
  • DDC分類 944.04

Full Description

Europe's great powers formed two powerful coalitions against France, yet force of numbers, superior leadership and the patriotic fervor of France's citizen-soldiers not only defeated each in turn, but closed the era of small, professional armies fighting for limited political objectives. This period produced commanders such as Napoleon and Nelson, whose names remain a by-word for excellence to this day. From Italy to Egypt Napoleon demonstrated his strategic genius and mastery of tactics in battles including Rivoli, the Pyramids and Marengo. Nelson's spectacular sea victories at the Nile and Copenhagen were foretastes of a century of British naval supremacy.


Chapter 1 Background to warHistorical rivalries; Chapter 2 Warring SidesOpposing strengths; Chapter 3 OutbreakA clash of ideologies; Chapter 4 The fightingThe first and second coalitions; Chapter 5 Portrait of a sailorA midshipman in the Royal Navy: William Henry Dillon; Chapter 6 The world around warThe impact of conflict; Chapter 7 Portrait of a civilianEmma Hamilton: British Ambassadress at Naples; Chapter 8 How the war endedHohenlinden and Copenhagen; Chapter 9 Conclusion and consequencesFrance triumphant;