Examines the Statutes of the ICTY, ICTR and ICC as well as their case law in conjunction with that of the European Court of Human Rights.
Full Description
This innovative book provides an incisive, knowledgeable and comprehensive study of the promises and limitations of the emerging phenomenon of surrender of individuals to international criminal courts, such as the International Criminal Court of the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the International Criminal Court of Rwanda (ICTR), and the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is the first study on this area.
The author analyses the distinctions and similarities with international extradition norms and persuasively establishes the international legal confinements of the surrender concept and the role of states and NATO-forces within this concept. In developing an international uniform framework for the surrender of individuals to international criminal courts, the author meticulously examines the Statutes of the ICTY, ICTR and ICC as well as their case law on this subject in conjunction with that of the European Court of Human Rights.
Published under the Transnational Publishers imprint.
Dedication to Dr. David Moffie; Table of Abbreviations; Table of Authorities; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Introduction; PART I: GENERAL TOPICS; Chapter I - Conceptualization of the Extradition and Surrender
Frameworks in ICL; Chapter II - Contemporary Individuals' Rights Under the ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Systems; Chapter III - Enforceability of Individuals' Rights Under the ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Systems; PART II: SUBSTANTIVE LAW; Chapter IV - ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Defenses Originating from International Extradition Law; Chapter V - ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Defenses Originating from Human Rights Law; Chapter VI - Sui Generis Defenses to ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Requests; Chapter VII - New Aspects of Sui Generis Surrender Defenses Within the ICTY, ICTR and ICC Framework; Chapter VIII - The Emergence of the Doctrine of Abuse of Process as Surrender Defense Sui Generis Before the ICTY, ICTR and ICC; Chapter IX - Toward a Uniform Framework of ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Standards and Agreements; PART III: ENFORCEABILITY OF THE SURRENDER CONCEPT; Chapter X - State Responsibility for Compliance with ICTY, ICTR and ICC Extradition and Surrender Standards; Chapter XI - State Responsibility for Non-Compliance with ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Requests; Chapter XII - State Responsibility and the Emerging Role of NATO and UN Forces in Enforcing Extradition and ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender Requests; Chapter XIII Summary and Conclusions: Surrender as Privileged Extradition or Extradition Sui Generis; APPENDICES Appendix I Uniform ICL Scheme for ICTY, ICTR and ICC Surrender of Indictees; Appendix II - Decree on the Procedure Ruling the Cooperation with the The Hague Tribunal of 23 June 2001 of the Federal Government of the Republic of Yugoslavia; Index; Biographical Note.