Rant (Emigre S.)

Rant (Emigre S.)

  • ただいまウェブストアではご注文を受け付けておりません。 ⇒古書を探す
  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 144 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781568984094
  • DDC分類 741.6

Full Description

Beginning with Emigre no.64, Princetion Architectural Press will become co-publisher and distributor of Emigre. Based in Northern California Emigre is digital type foundry, a publisher and distributor of graphic design related software and printed material. For almost 20 years (and 60 issues) Emigre has been a source for ideas, fonts, images and even music. It has provided a plat form for in-depth writing on design by young and upcoming writers. In no. 64, Rant, Emigre acts as agent provocateur and invites designers, teachers, and critics whose writing defined graphic design in the 90s, and who were first published in Emigre - including Jeffery Keedy, Rick Valicenti, Shawn Wolfe, Kenneth FitzGerald, Denise Gonzales Denise Gonzales Crisp, Kali Nikitas, Louise Sandhaus, and Andrew Blauvelt - to challenge today's young designers to develop a critical attitude toward their own work and the design scene in general.