Kierkegaard in 90 Minutes (Philosophers in 90 Minutes Series)


Kierkegaard in 90 Minutes (Philosophers in 90 Minutes Series)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 96 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781566631525
  • DDC分類 198.9

Full Description

"Each of these little books is witty and dramatic and creates a sense of time, place, and character....I cannot think of a better way to introduce oneself and one's friends to Western civilization."—Katherine A. Powers, Boston Globe. "Well-written, clear and informed, they have a breezy wit about them....I find them hard to stop reading."—Richard Bernstein, New York Times. "Witty, illuminating, and blessedly concise."—Jim Holt, Wall Street Journal. These brief and enlightening explorations of our greatest thinkers bring their ideas to life in entertaining and accessible fashion. Philosophical thought is deciphered and made comprehensive and interesting to almost everyone. Far from being a novelty, each book is a highly refined appraisal of the philosopher and his work, authoritative and clearly presented.
