Introduction to Animal Rights : Your Child or the Dog?


Introduction to Animal Rights : Your Child or the Dog?

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 280 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781566396929
  • DDC分類 179.3


It illluminates concepts and theories such as the nature of "right" and "interests" and the theories of Locke, Descartes, and Bentham.

Full Description

Two-thirds of Americans polled by the Associated Press agree with the following statement: \u0022An animal's right to live free of suffering should be just as important as a person's right to live free of suffering.\u0022 More than 50 percent of Americans believe that it is wrong to kill animals to make fur coats or to hunt them for sport. But these same Americans eat hamburgers, take their children to circuses and rodeos, and use products developed with animal testing. How do we justify our inconsistency? In this easy-to-read introduction, animal rights advocate Gary Francione looks at our conventional moral thinking bout animals. Using examples, analogies, and thought-experiments, he reveals the dramatic inconsistency between what we say we believe about animals and how we actually treat them. Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? provides a guidebook to examining our social and personal ethical beliefs. It takes us through concepts of property and equal consideration to arrive at the basic contention of animal rights: that everyone -- human and non-human -- has the right not to be treated as a means to an end.
Along the way, it illuminates concepts and theories that all of us use but few of us understand -- the nature of \u0022rights\u0022 and \u0022interests,\u0022 for example, and the theories of Locke, Descartes, and Bentham. Filled with fascinating information and cogent arguments, this is a book that you may love or hate, but that will not fail to inform, enlighten, and educate.


Contents Foreword by Alan Watson Acknowledgments Introduction 1. The Diagnosis: Our Moral Schizophrenia about Animals 2. Vivisection: A Trickier Question 3. The Cause of Our Moral Schizophrenia: Animals as Property 4. The Cure for Our Moral Schizophrenia: The Principle of Equal Consideration 5. Robots, Religion, and Rationality 6. Having Our Cow and Eating Her Too: Bentham's Mistake 7. Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? Appendix: Twenty Questions (and Answers) Notes Index