Doing Social Psychology


Doing Social Psychology

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 320 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781405108119
  • DDC分類 302


Introduces students to the principal research methods used in social psychology.

Full Description

This practical text introduces students to all the principal data collection methods and data analyses used in social psychology.

A student-friendly introduction to the data collection methods and data analyses used in social psychology.

Describes the principal research methods and shows how they can be applied to particular research questions.

Each chapter is written by a psychologist well known for using the method they describe.

Methods presented include conducting surveys, constructing questionnaires, facilitating focus groups, running interviews, and using archival recordings.

Topics used to illustrate these methods include identity processes, attribution, stereotyping, attitude change, social influence, communication, and group dynamics.

Includes step-by-step exercises for students and notes for course leaders.


List of Contributors. 1. Introduction: Approaches To Data Collection And Data Analysis. (Glynis M. Breakwell).

2. Experimental Research Designs. (Lorne Hulbert).

3. Measuring Optimistic Bias. (Chris Fife-Schaw And Julie Barnett).

4. A Quasi-Experimental Study Of Stereotyping. (Adam Rutland).

5. The Design And Analysis Of Quasi-Experimental Field Research. (Eamonn Ferguson And Peter Bibby).

6. The Impact Of Social Value Orientation On Decision-Making In Social Dilemmas: A Survey Exercise. (Mark Van Vugt And Richard H. Gramzow).

7. On Using Questionnaires To Measure Attitudes. (Geoffrey Haddock).

8. Modelling Identity Motives Using Multilevel Regression. (Vivian L. Vignoles).

9. The Analysis Of Equivocation In Political Interviews. (Peter Bull).

10. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. (Jonathan A. Smith And Mike Osborn).

11. Cognitive Mapping Generating Theories Of Psychological Phenomena From Verbal Accounts And Presenting Them Diagrammatically. (Tom Farsides).

12. The Multiple Sorting Procedure. (Julie Barnett).

13. The Laddering Technique. (Susan Miles And Gene Rowe).

14. Focus Groups. (Sue Wilkinson).
