グローバリゼーションの時代の平等主義政治<br>Egalitarian Politics in the Age of Globalization (International Political Economy)


Egalitarian Politics in the Age of Globalization (International Political Economy)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 264 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781403918918
  • DDC分類 306.484


New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2001. Shows why social inequality continues to increase in spite of the international success of egalitarian movements.

Full Description

In recent years women's movements and democracy movements appear to have been more successful in promoting social equality than labour movements or development movements. Wage gaps between men and women have narrowed. New democracies have flourished. Yet, gaps between the rich and poor remain. Do differences in organization and strategy account for the differences in outcomes? Through in-depth studies of the United States, Eastern and Western Europe, Latin America, Africa, China, and north- and southeast Asia the contributors to this volume provide some thought-provoking answers.


Notes on the Contributors Introduction Globalization and the Double-Movement Hypothesis; C.N.Murphy Class, Gender, and the Politics of Neoliberal Globalization in the United States; M.A.Rupert Egalitarian Social Movements in Western Europe: Can They Survive Globalization and the EMU?; J.Krieger Latin America in an Age of Inequality: Confronting the New 'Utopia'; W.I.Robinson Engendering Change through Egalitarian Movements: The African Experience; F.C.Steady Egalitarian Responses in Postcommunist Societies: Russia and the Former Soviet Bloc; J.Dawson Nonsocial Movements and Social Nonmovements in China since 1978; M.Blecher Capital, Crisis, and Chaos: Indonesia and Malaysia in a Globalizing Era; C.B.N.Chin & S.C.Tiwon Migrant Workers' Movements in Japan and South Korea; K.H.S.Moon Conclusion: Pinpointing the Significance of Women's Empowerment, Recognizing Political Opportunities, Anticipating Transnational Coalitions; C.N.Murphy References Index
