Wave Scattering in Complex Media : From Theory to Applications (NATO Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)


Wave Scattering in Complex Media : From Theory to Applications (NATO Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 640 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781402013935
  • DDC分類 532.0593


A collection of lectures on a variety of modern subjects in wave scattering, including fundamental issues in mesoscopic physics and radiative transfer, recent hot topics such as random lasers, liquid crystals, and more.

Full Description

A collection of lectures on a variety of modern subjects in wave scattering, including fundamental issues in mesoscopic physics and radiative transfer, recent hot topics such as random lasers, liquid crystals, lefthanded materials and time-reversal, as well as modern applications in imaging and communication.
There is a strong emphasis on the interdisciplinary aspects of wave propagation, including light and microwaves, acoustic and elastic waves, propagating in a variety of "complex" materials (liquid crystals, media with gain, natural media, magneto-optical media, photonic and phononic materials, etc.). It addresses many different items in contemporary research: mesoscopic fluctuations, localization, radiative transfer, symmetry aspects, and time-reversal. It also discusses new (potential) applications in telecommunication, soft matter and imaging.


Light Transport in Complex Photonic Systems.- Propagation of Light in Strongly Disordered Photonic Materials and Random Lasers.- Weak Localisation of Light by Atoms with Quantum Internal Structure.- Light Propagation in Chiral and Magnetochiral Random Media.- Diffuse Waves in Nonlinear Disordered Media.- Coherent Effects in the Multiple Scattering of Light in Random Media.- Mesoscopic Dynamics.- Diffusing Acoustic Wave Spectroscopy: Field Fluctuation Spectroscopy with Multiply Scattered Ultrasonic Waves.- Intensity Correlations and Fluctuations of Waves Transmitted through Random Media.- Spectral Coherence of Wave Fields in Random Media.- Photon Localization in Resonant Media.- Anderson Localization of Electromagnetic Waves in Confined Disordered Dielectric Media.- Laser Action in the Regime of Strong Localization.- Statistics of Reflected Speckle Intensities Arising from Localized States Inside the Gap of Disordered Photonic Crystals.- Auto-Focalisation, Communication and Sonoluminescence with Acoustic Time Reversal.- 3D Phononic Crystals.- Left-Handed Materials.- Negative Index Complex Metamaterials.- Local Field Statistics and Plasmon Localization in Random Metal-Dielectric Films.- Radiative Transfer Theory: From Maxwell's Equations to Practical Applications.- Transfer of Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation in an Ensemble of Resonant Mesoscopic Scatterers.- Boundary Conditions in Radiative Transfer.- Radiation Transfer in Nematic Liquid Crystals.- Dynamic Light Scattering in Confined Liquid Crystals.- Optical Properties and Fluctuations in Liquid Crystals with One-Dimensional Large-Scale Periodicity.- Light Scattering in a Disperse Layer with Partially Ordered Soft Particles.- Optical Microrheology of Soft Complex Materials.- Coherent Opposition Effect for DiscreteRandom Media.- Scattering of SH waves in Media with Cracks and Elastic Inclusions.- Digital Communication with Time-Reversal in a Multiple Scattering Medium.- Wireless Propagation of Optical Coded Pulse Streams through Turbid Media.- Elastic Light Scattering by Dielectric Microspheres for C-Band Applications.
