Hyperfine Interactions : Proceedings of the Icame'97 Conference in Memoriam of Prof. Jacques Danon : Rio De Janerio, Brazil September 14-20 (Hyperfine 〈3〉


Hyperfine Interactions : Proceedings of the Icame'97 Conference in Memoriam of Prof. Jacques Danon : Rio De Janerio, Brazil September 14-20 (Hyperfine 〈3〉

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  • 商品コード 9781402010873
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ICAME is the major International Conference on research in which Mössbauer Spectroscopy plays a key role. Mainstream topics cover Condensed Matter Science, - magnetism, nanophase materials, chemical structure and bonding, industrial applications including catalysis and corrosion, biological and medical studies. Non-mainstream investigations include relating diamonds to the state of the earth's interior and processes on asteroids and meteorites. Techniques include synchrotron radiation studies as well as traditional spectroscopy to provide a snapshot of worldwide activity in this field of research in 2001.


Excitation of the Nuclear Resonance in 61Ni at 67.4 keV by Synchrotron Radiation.- Multibeam Laser Selection of Nuclides for Gamma-Laser, Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Other Practice.- Baseline Investigation in Transmission Mössbauer Spectroscopy using Resonance Detectors.- Perforated Diamond Anvils for Research at Very High Pressures.- Nuclear Excitation of 127Iodine using Synchrotron Radiation.- Multiple Mössbauer Spectra Data Acquisition with an In-situ Cyclic Voltammetry System.- Sapphire X-ray Resonator.- Glass Dynamics and Scaling Behaviour under Pressure using Quasielastic Nuclear Forward Scattering.- Mechanically Assisted Nitridation in the Zr-Fe System.- Structural Study of Fe-Cr-Co Alloys Obtained by Mechanical Alloying.- A Mössbauer Study of Nanocrystallisation under Continuous Heating Conditions.- Investigation of Eu3+ Site Occupancy and Eu-O Covalency in Nanocrystalline Y2O3 by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Mössbauer Studies of the Tetravalent Doped Magnetite.- Mössbauer Spectra of Iron Fine Particles by Computer Simulation.- Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Fe(Co,Ni)ZrB Systems Prepared by the Rapid Quenching and Mechanical Alloying Methods.- Mössbauer and Electrical Properties of Sulfur Doped Basalt Glass.- 129I-Mössbauer Study of Iodine-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.- 197Au Mössbauer Study of Au Nano-Particles.- Mössbauer Study of Sm2Fe17?xSix.- Charge State of Rare Earth Ions and Glass Transition in the Glassy Al85Ni10R5 Alloys.- Magnetic Interactions between Nanoparticles of Different Materials.- Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Magnesium-Doped Li0.5Fe2.5O4 Nanocrystalline Particles.- Crystallization Process of ?-Fe/Nd2Fe14B Type Nanocomposite Magnet Alloys.- Mössbauer and Small Polaron Hopping Conduction Studies of AlkaliBorogermanate Glasses Containing Iron.- Mössbauer Studies of Nanosize MnFe2O4 Particles.- Advanced Double Coated Metal Particle Tapes Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetic Measurements.- Mössbauer Spectroscopy on Ferromagnetic Fe2VAl.- Cems Study of 57Fe Implanted in Diamond.- Phonon Density of States of FeNi-Invar Determined by Nuclear Inelastic Scattering.- Spin Reorientation in HoCo12B6.- On the Magnetic Reordering of R6Fe13X Intermetallic Compounds: (R = Pr and Nd; X = Si, Ge and Sn).- Mössbauer Hyperfine Parameters of Fe-Al Alloys.- Iron Valence in Double Perovskites.- A Study of the Spin Dynamics and Mössbauer Relaxation in Sr2FeRuO6 by Monte Carlo Analysis.- Dynamics of Fe Cations in an H2SO4 Solution by Nuclear Resonant Quasielastic Scattering.- 151Eu Mössbauer Spectroscopy of the Filled Skutterdite-Type Compound EuRu4P12.- Mössbauer Study of Ni-Zn Ferrites Obtained by the Self-Propagated Method.- 57Fe Mössbauer Study of Novel Series of Intermetallic Compounds R3(Fe1?xCox)29?yTy (R = Nd, Tb, Dy; T = Ti, V).- Crystallization and Anisotropic Hyperfine Field Fluctuation in Double Perovskite A2FeMoO6 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca).- Mössbauer Study and Electron Transport Properties in Co0.1Fe0.9Cr2S4.- Electronic Properties of CuFeS2 under Pressure Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Defects and Disorder in Magnetosensitive Double Perovskite A2FeMoO6 (A = Sr, Ba).- 170Yb Mössbauer Study of Magnetic Ordering in Yb2Cu2O5.- Mössbauer Study of Ba Doped Cubic Perovskite SrFeO3.- Mössbauer and XRD Study of (Zn, Cd)xCo1?xFe2?xAlxO4 Spinel Ferrites.- Change of the Nuclear Charge Radius for the 197Au Mössbauer Resonance.- The Magnetism of FeOCl Revisited: Observation of Low Field Spin-Flop Behavior for the Polycrystalline Form.- High Field MössbauerInvestigations of CoGa2?xFexO4 Spinels.- 57Fe Mössbauer Studies on BaFe2X3 Compounds with X = S, Se.- Mössbauer Analysis of 57Fe Substituted for Cu in 1212-Phase (Pb,Cu)Sr2(Y,Ca)Cu2Oz Superconductor.- Influence of the Statistical Fluctuation of Fe2+ Localization Upon the Tilt of Fe2+ Spin in FexNl1?xCl2.- Evidence of Intermediate Magnetic States in Non-Stochiometric Hematite.- Mössbauer and Magnetic Evidence for Spin Frustration in Hetero-Trinuclear Clusters.- 119Sn Mössbauer Study of the Giant Magnetocaloric Compound: Gd5Sn4.- The Magnetic Structure of Doped Gamma Iron Oxide.- Mössbauer and Neutron Diffraction Studies on the Magnetic Phase Transition in Antiferromagnetic FePt0.5Ir0.5 Alloy.- High-Pressure Mössbauer Study of Perovskite Iron Oxides.- Aph Induced Red Cell Oxidation in Healthy Persons.- Structural Relaxation from X-ray Irradiated Metastable HbMET Investigated by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Potassium Ascorbate as Protective Agent in the Oxidation of the Red Blood Cells.- Dynamic Phenomena in Deoxy- and Oxymyoglobin Investigated by Nuclear Resonant Forward Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation.- Characterization of Cytochrome c-552 from Nitrosomonas Europaea with EPR and Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- How a Blood Sucking Insect Gets its Meal: The Ferriheme Proteins Nitrophorin 2 and 4 Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- A Study on Red Blood Cells of the Patients with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease.- A High Pressure Mössbauer Spectroscopy Study of [57FeOEPCl].- In-Situ57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy Investigation of the Thermal Treatment of Metal-Doped Fe3O4.- Nuclear Resonant Forward Scattering using Synchrotron Radiation Applied to the Low-Spin Ferriheme Complex [TPPFe(NH2PzH)2]Cl.- 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy Investigation of Cobalt-SubstitutedLanthanum Orthoferrites.- X-Ray and Mössbauer Study of Mixed Potassium-Sodium Ferrate (VI).- Mössbauer Studies of Bonding and Tin(II) Sublattice Softening in the Highly Unusual Doubly Disordered Ba1?xSnxCh1+yF1?y Solid Solution.- A Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study of Self-Passivation in Tin(II) Chloride Fluorides: The Special Case of the Ba1?xSnxCl1+xF1?y Solid Solution.- Variation in Spin Direction Observed for Oxalate-Bridged Mn(II)-Fe(III) Systems.- Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study on xFe2O3 · (40?x)Na2O · 60P2O5 (x = 5, 20, 30) Glasses at Low Temperature.- Synthesis and 57Fe and 151Eu Mössbauer Spectroscopic Studies of New Lanthanoid-Iron Complexes.- In-Beam Mössbauer Study of 57Fe Species Arising from 57Mn Implanted into KMnO4.- 151Eu Mössbauer Spectroscopic and XRD Study on Some Fluorite-Type Solid Solution Systems, EuyM1?yO2?y/2 (M = Zr, Hf, Ce).- Study on Porphyrin Complex Ligated with Azaferrocene Derivatives.- Characterization of Heavy Metal Waste Glass by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Heterobimetallic [2-(Dimethylaminomethyl)-Ferrocenyl] Derivatives Investigated with Elements of the Fourth Maingroup.- Mössbauer Studies of Fe(II)-Nitrosyl Porphyrin Model Compounds.- Antimony-121 Mössbauer Spectra for Crown Ether Complexes of Antimony(III) Trihalides, SbX3 (crown).- Variable Temperature 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopic Studies on Ferrocenyl "Push-Pull" Molecules.- The Ca Binding to the Hull of Nixtamalized Corn Grains as Detected by 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Related Techniques.- Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study of Iron-Containing Sodium Borosilicate Glasses.- Investigation of the Fe3+ Luminescence in LiAlO2 Phosphors Activated with Iron.- Nickel- and Cobalt-Doped Magnetite as Catalysts on the Oxidation of CO.- Hydrogenation of HoFe2.-Metal-Tellurium Bonds in 3D-Transition Metal Ditellurides.- Preparation and Europium-151 Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Ca1?xEuxAl12O19.- Spin Crossover in Fe(II) Molecular Compounds — Mössbauer and ?SR Investigations.- Investigation Into the Microstructure of Iron-Chromium Oxyhydroxide Fine Particles.- Mössbauer Spectral Study of Two Layered Honeycomb Molecular Magnets: PPh4FeIIFeIII(ox)3 and NBu4FeIIFeIII(ox)3.- Mössbauer Studies on the Metallic Phases of Al Kidirate and New Halfa Meteorites.- 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopic Investigation of Some Coals of Geographically Different Provenance and their Fly Ashes.- The Aging Process in Ceramics.- Chemical Dynamics of Fe Compounds in Brazilian Mangrove Sediments Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Mössbauer Spectrmetry to Study Diagenetical Processes of Red Beds and Sand Dikes in the Vallès-Penedès Half Graben.- Mössbauer Investigation of Biologically-Induced Mineralization Processes.- Two Magnetic Transitions at Lower Temperature in (Fe1?xMex)2SiS4-Thioolivines, Me = Mg or Mn.- A Mössbauer Study of Meteorites — A Possible Criterion to Identify Meteorites from the Same Parent Body?.- Mössbauer Study of Brazilian Emeralds.- Key Role of the Kinetics of ?-FeOOH Bioreduction on the Formation of Fe(II-III) Minerals.- Mössbauer Spectra of Circumstellar Silicate Dust Analogs Used as a Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst.- Rock Paintings Fron Minas Gerais, Brazil Investigated by In-Situ Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Trends in Atmospheric Iron Measured by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Energetic Heavy Iron Radiation Effect in Brazilian Emeralds.- Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study on Characterization of Iron in the Permian to Triassic Deep Sea Chert from Japan.- Iron Mineral Modifications in the Sand Fraction of a Subtropical Soil fromArgentina.- Mössbauer and X-Ray Diffraction Study of Mackinawite FeS1?x Air Oxidation.- Characterization of Iron Sulphides from Ore Mining Projects.- Magnetic Characterization of Sediments of Urban Supply Lakes in São Paulo, Brazil.- Mössbauer Investigation on Ti-Garnets from Different Geological Environments.- Mössbauer Study of Iron Sulfide Crystallization Processes.- Fe-Ni Metal Structures of Mesosiderites Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- Weathering of Volcanic Material from Perhumid Costa Rica Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy, INAA and XRD.- The Leaching of A Sulphide Ore — A Mössbauer and SEM Perspective.- Sicán Kilns and Furnaces: Field Firings and Archaeometric Studies.- 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Coal with Different Caloric Values.- Study of Oxide-Support Interactions in Silica-Supported Iron Oxide Precursors.- On-Line and In-Situ Identification of Air Pollution.- Cems Study of Corrosion Product: ?-FeOOH.- Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study of Iron Oxyhydroxides and Rust Formed on the Steel Surfaces.- Iron Phases in FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 Metallurgical Slags.- The Role of Silicon Atoms inside the Brownmillerite Phase of Cement Clinker.- On Magnetite Formation as a Corrosion Product of Steel.- A Mössbauer Study of Steel and its Ore Originating from Northern Iran.- Mössbauer and Structural Studies of GdFe2?xTix Alloys.- The Effects of Short Oxidation Time on Zr (Fe,Cr)2 Laves Phases.- Rare Earth Additions in a Ferritic Steel: A Mössbauer Study.- Mössbauer Study of the Effect of Milling Periodic on the Dynamic Behavior of Fe30Ti70 Alloy.- Magnetic Properties of Iron-Copper Alloys.- Austemtering Transformation in 0.11 wt% Mn Vermicular Cast Iron.- Ball Milling of Fe3Al-Si Powder Mixtures.- Mössbauer Spectroscopy Study of Iron Removal ProcessDuring Zinc Extraction.- Effect of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Alloyed Fe2B.- Mössbauer Effect Studies of Dy(Fe0.7?xAlxC0.3)2 and Dy(Fe0.7Co0.3?xAlx)2 Compounds.- Structural and Magnetic Characteristics of Fd1?xCox Alloys Containing 12.5 at % Nb.- Mössbauer Study of the ?? Phase Formation in Fe-Cr-Based Duplex Stainless Steel.- Mössbauer Spectral Study of PrTiFe11?xCox (x ? 2).- Atomic Ordering at Grain Boundaries in Fe-Si and Fe-Al Alloys.- Effects of Cold Rolling and Heat Treatments on Fe Precipitation in High Purity Aluminum Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.- A Mössbauer Study of the RENiSn (RE = La, Nd, Tb and Ho) Intermetallic Compounds and their Deuterides.- Monte Carlo Simulation of the Mössbauer Spectra in Ternary FeCoMo Alloys.- Structural Changes of an Austenitic Stainless Steel Induced by RF Plasma Nitriding.- Mössbauer Study of Radiation Effects on Swift Heavy Iron Irradiated Fe-Ni-Cr Multilayers and Electrodeposited Alloys.- Ultra-Thin FexMn1?x Alloy Films on Ag(100).- Interface Structure and Magnetism of Fe/Cr Multilayers.- Spin Structures in Exchange-Biased Thin Films Studied by Mössbauer Spectroscopy.