New Kinds of Phase Transitions : Transformation in Disordered Substances (NATO Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)


New Kinds of Phase Transitions : Transformation in Disordered Substances (NATO Science Series II Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 672 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781402008252
  • DDC分類 530.474

Full Description

Phase transitions are involved in phenomena ranging from the initial stages of the creation of the Universe to the existence of biological objects. It is natural to as whether any phenomena analogous to phase transitions are possible in disordered substances like liquids and glasses. The possibility of such transitions is still very much a matter of debate. Neither the nature nor the features of transformations in liquids and glasses are yet clear, nor is the nature of the order parameters. Investigations in recent years have shown that transformations in liquids and glasses lead to a drastic change of their physical properties and short-range order structure.
The papers collected here contribute to a better understanding of the physics of disordered systems and phase transformations in them. An unambiguous identification of transitions in liquids and glasses requires further high-precision experimental study of the thermodynamic and structural properties in the vicinity of transitions in order to test existing theoretical models and develop new, more accurate ones.


The search for phase transitions in liquids: A personal account.- New types of phase transitions: Phenomenology, concepts and terminology.- Cooperative disordering phase transitions.- Beyond fluid-fluid separation.- Liquid Polymorphism in yttrium-aluminate liquids.- The inherent states of glassy systems and granular media.- The liquid-vapor transition of mercury.- Double-step potential models of fluids.- Kinetic slowing down in liquid water.- A phase transition induced by water reorientation at electrode interfaces.- Master equation approach to configurational kinetics of non-equilibrium alloys.- Interrelationship of polyamorphism and the fragile-to-strong transition in liquid silica.- In-situ observation of a liquid-liquid transition in phosphorus.- Insulator-metal transitions in fluids and the Coulomb critical points.- From liquid to amorphous germanium by molecular dynamics.- Smeared first-order phase transition in melts.- Equilibrium structural model for liquid water.- Transitions in liquids: Examples and open questions.- Behaviors of liquid carbon at high pressure.- Structural changes across phase transitions in disordered systems.- Pressure-induced transformations in fluid iodine.- Pressure-temperature phase diagrams of Se and S in terms of the Patashinski model.- Unsolved problems of liquid water.- High-density amorphous ice and its phase transition to ice XII.- Structure and dynamics of confined water.- Neutron diffraction study of water polymorphism.- Liquid-vapour phase diagrams of water in nanopores.- Relaxations in supercooled confined water.- Transformations, dynamics, and structures of amorphous ices.- Pure water structure and hydration forces for protein folding.- Dynamic properties of stretched water.- Computer simulation of supercooled water and amorphous ices.- Amorphous-amorphous phase transitions in group-IV semiconductors.- Kinetics and non-ergodic nature of amorphous-amorphous transformations under pressure.- Phase relations for water and ice in confined geometry.- Energy landscapes and amorphous-amorphous transitions.- Localized low-energy excitations in glasses.- Amorphous pressure-induced alloys.- Monte Carlo study of the dynamic and static glass transitions in the 10- state Potts glass.- Transitions in simple liquids: Correlation function approach.- Phase transitions induced or suppressed by confinement.- Free energy for liquids out of equilibrium.- Water and ice in quasi-two-dimensional geometries.- Fragility, configurational entropy, and the energy landscape of glass-forming liquids.- Thermodynamics of liquids and glasses.- Landscape of water dynamics and chemical reactions.- Polyanions In crystalline, plastic and molten phases of Zintl compounds.- Low temperature properties of a spin model with varying ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic couplings.