Creative Art & Activities : Puppets (Creative Art and Activities)

Creative Art & Activities : Puppets (Creative Art and Activities)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781401834746
  • DDC分類 372.5

Full Description

PERFECT FOR THE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL, NEW TEACHERS AND GRADUATING EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION STUDENTS AND PARENTS ALIKE. The focus of Creative Arts and Activities is on the creative process in art as well in subjects throughout the curriculum. It is written for individuals who want to know more about creative children, creative teaching and creative activities for children age two through grade 5. Beginning with the concept of creativity and aesthetics it covers the development of art and the basic developmental stages in art. The author has included two- and three-dimensional art activities, as well as creative activities, as well as creative activities across the entire curriculum. The material is presented in a concise, easy-to-read format designed for use by busy teachers, care givers and parents. In an effort to broaden the reader's views, the author has included sections entitled This One's for You and Food for Thought, aimed giving the reader even more thought provoking concepts as they relate to each chapter.


Chapter 1Activities- Balloon Puppets, Basic Hand Puppets, Basic Stick Puppets, Box Puppets, Bristle-Brush Puppets, Coat-Hanger Puppets, Cone Finger Puppets, Cutout-Figure Stick Puppets, Cut-Up Puppets, Cylinder Puppets, Detergent-Bottle Puppet Racks, Envelope Puppets, Feeling Puppets, Finger-Leg Puppets, Finger-Cap Puppets, Finger-Face Puppets, Foam-Tray Puppets, Folded-Paper Puppets, Food Puppets, Glove Puppets, Handkerchief Puppets, Humanettes, Juice-Box Puppets, Me Puppets, Milk-Carton Puppets, Mitten Puppets, Nursery-Ryhme Finger Puppets, Paper-Bag Zoo Creatures, Paper-Chain Puppets, Paper-Plate Bugs and Stuff, Paper-Plate Puppets, Paper-Tube Puppets, Paper/Styrafoam Cup Puppets, Pencil Puppets, Ping-Pong Ball Puppets, Play-Dough Puppets, Pom-Pom Puppets, Popsicle-Stick Puppets, Pop-Up Puppets, Pringle Can Puppets, Shadow Puppets, Shape Stick Puppets, Single-Bag Puppets, Sock Puppets, Spool Puppets, Stuffed-Animal Puppets, Styrofoam-Ball Puppets, Tissue Puppets, Two-Bag Puppets, Two Faced Paper Plate Puppets, Uncanny Puppets, Wooden Spoon Puppets. Chapter 4: Index by Ages.
