Essentials of Antimicrobial Pharmacology : A Guide to Fundamentals for Practice


Essentials of Antimicrobial Pharmacology : A Guide to Fundamentals for Practice

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 152 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780896037601
  • DDC分類 615.329

Full Description

Paul H. Axelsen concisely summarizes all the essential medical data concerning the leading antimicrobials used in fighting infectious diseases and clearly illustrates their mechanisms of action. The agents described range from antibacterial and antifungal to antiparasitic and antiviral agents, and include immunomodulators and immunizing agents. For each drug discussed, the book allows rapid access to the essential facts concerning its structure and mechanism of action, the spectrum of its activity, its pharmacokinetics, its adverse effects, and its resistance. This book provides medical students, physicians, and allied health professionals with rapid access to the core principles of antimicrobial pharmacology, and a foundation for decisions about the use of antimicrobials in daily practice.


1 Introduction.- 1.1. Measures of Antibiotic Effect.- 1.2. Antibiotic Administration.- 1.3. Distribution and Elimination.- 1.4. Sensitivity Testing.- 1.5. Dose-Response Relationships.- 1.6. Resistance.- 2 Antibacterial Agents.- 2.1. Cell Wall Active Agents.- 2.2. Antifolate Agents.- 2.3. Aminoglycosides/Aminocyclitols.- 2.4. Antiribosomal Agents.- 2.5. Topoisomerase Inhibitors.- 2.6. Miscellaneous Agents.- 2.7. Antimycobacterial Agents.- 2.8. Investigational Agents.- 2.9. Combination Antibacterial Therapy.- 2.10. Choosing and Planning Antimicrobial Therapy.- 3 Antifungal Agents.- 3.1. Amphotericin.- 3.2. Flucytosine.- 3.3. Ergosterol Synthesis Inhibitors: Allylamines.- 3.4. Ergosterol Synthesis Inhibitors: Azoles.- 3.5. Caspofungin.- 3.6. Griseofulvin.- 4 Antiparasitic Agents.- 4.1. Antiprotozoan Agents.- 4.2. Antihelminthic Agents.- 5 Antiviral Agents.- 5.1. Antiherpesvirus Agents.- 5.2. Antiinfluenzavirus Agents.- 5.3. Anti-HIV Agents.- 5.4. Miscellaneous Agents.- 6 Immunomodulators and Immunizing Agents.- 6.1. Immunomodulators.- 6.2. Immunization.