Neil Young: Journey through the Past : The Stories Behind the Classic Songs of Neil Young


Neil Young: Journey through the Past : The Stories Behind the Classic Songs of Neil Young

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 162 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780879307417
  • DDC分類 781

Full Description

Neil Young's musical evolution has been as versatile as rock itself: pioneering country-rocker with Buffalo Springfield; seminal folk-rocker with Crosby Stills Nash & Young; gentle acoustic guitarist; crashing hard rock electric guitarist; grunge prototype; and good-times rock 'n' roller. This cerebral singer/songwriter has penned unforgettable melodies harmonies and lyrics portraying plaintive sadness lilting warmth and ragged anguish with his unmistakable tenor voice. Offering detailed analyses of this idiosyncratic musician's songs and the stories behind them this book examines all of Young's key albums from 1967 to 2000 including such milestones as ÊAfter the Gold RushÊ ÊHarvestÊ ÊTonight's the NightÊ ÊRust Never SleepsÊ ÊHarvest MoonÊ ÊSilver & GoldÊ and many others. An essential companion to one of the most important of all rock repertoires.