Taking Issue : Pluralism and Casuistry in Bioethics


Taking Issue : Pluralism and Casuistry in Bioethics

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 304 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780878403981
  • DDC分類 174.957

Full Description

A pioneer in the theory of pluralistic casuistry, the idea that there are almost as many facets to moral choices as there are cases that call for choices, Baruch Brody takes issue with conventional bioethical wisdom and challenges the rigid principalism of contemporary bioethics. His views have been seen as controversial, but they are firmly held, and convincingly argued—all of which have led him to be one of the most widely discussed and highly admired bioethicists of our time. He argues for the fundamental distinction between active and passive euthanasia, for a need to reconceptualize approaches to brain death, and for the right of providers to unilaterally discontinue life support. He shows support for the waiving of the requirement of informed consent for some research, for the widespread use of animals in research, and for the use of placebos in many international clinical trials.

When it comes to morality as it is practiced in medicine, Brody makes clear that the ethical issues are never as simple as black and white—that there are myriad factors and fine nuances that can and should challenge decision making as it is commonly practiced in difficult medical cases. In this collection, delving thoughtfully and systematically into methodology, research ethics, clinical ethics, and Jewish medical ethics, he tackles thorny life-and-death questions head-on and fearlessly. He casts a light into all the corners of end-of-life decisions—a field in which he has exemplary credentials—while illuminating a new understanding of morality and ethics.

The introduction outlines Brody's approach, defines the terminology used, and contrasts his ethical positions with much of the competing literature. Taking Issue will be invaluable to students and scholars in medical ethics, bioethics, and philosophy of medicine.



Part I. Methodology

1. Pluralistic Moral Theory2. Intuitions and Objective Moral Knowledge3. Assessing Empirical Research in Bioethics

Part II. Research Ethics

4. Research Ethics: International Perspectives5. The Ethics of Controlled Clinical Trials6. In Cases of Emergency, No Need for Consent7. Making Informed Consent Meaningful8. When Are Placebo Controlled Trials No Longer Appropriate?9. Ethical Issues in Clinical Trials in Developing Countries10. The New Declaration of Helsinki May Be Dangerous to the Health of Developing Countries11. Defending Animal Research: An International Perspective

Part III. Clinical Ethics

12. Withdrawl of Treatment versus Killing of Patients13. Special Ethical Issues in the Management of Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) Patients14. The Role of Futility in Health Care Reform15. How Much of the Brain Must Be Dead?

Part IV. Jewish Medical Ethics

16. Jewish Reflections on Life and Death Decision Making17. A Historical Introduction to Jewish Casuistry on Suicide and Euthanasia18. The Use of Halakhik Material in Discussions of Medical Ethics
