The ABCs of IP Addressing


The ABCs of IP Addressing

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 210 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780849311444
  • DDC分類 004.62

Full Description

Our world is rapidly becoming an Internet-based world, with tens of millions of homes, millions of businesses, and within a short period of time, possibly hundreds of millions of mobile professionals accessing the literal mother of all networks. One of the key problems affecting many Internet users, ranging from individual professionals to networking managers and administrators, is a lack of knowledge concerning Internet Protocol (IP) addressing.

A detailed reference guide, The ABCs of IP Addressing provides you with the detailed information about the key challenges of IP addressing and designing networks that work efficiently. It takes you from the basics of the binary numbering system to advanced topics in subnetting, network address translation, and configuring workstations, servers and routers. The book contains network tools that prepare you for testing and troubleshooting and highlights the need for techniques that conserve the use of IP addressing as well as the creation of a next generation IP addressing structure. While structured on a chapter by chapter basis, wherever possible each chapter was written to be independent, making the book convenient and easy to use in a hectic work environment.

While you may find it possible to design a network or configure a workstation to operate without a detailed knowledge of IP addressing, the end results are not very efficient. And in the quickly changing global business environment, inefficiency wastes your time and money, both valuable resources for gaining and maintaining the competitive edge. With The ABCs of IP Addressing you get the comprehensive coverage of applications and protocols that help you do your job faster and more effectively.


Introduction. The TCP/IP Protocol Suite. IPv4 Addressing Basics. The Role of Special IP Addresses. Subnetting. Classless Inter-Domain Routing. Network Address Translation. Working with IPv6. Network Utility Tools.