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To design a structure or component one must carefully consider the intimate relationship between how the component is supposed to perform and the properties of the material from which it is made. This can be a tricky balancing act, even with isotropic, homogeneous materials.By their very nature, composite materials can present complex problems in the testing of their structural performance. Focusing on composites of advanced fibres in a plastic matrix, Mechanical Testing of Advanced Fibre Composites provides the background and general principles to tackle such problems. Expert contributors examine how these materials react to all types of loading, including tensile, compressive, shear, short- or long-term, and in various environments that might significantly modify their behavior. They explore sample preparation for testing, address tensile, flexural, compression, shear, impact, and out-of-plane testing, and discuss fatigue and fracture mechanics.Bringing together a wide range of test methods applicable across the spectrum of composite materials, Mechanical Testing of Advanced Fibre Composites forms a practical handbook full of expert analysis. Materials scientists, engineers, and designers will all find it a valuable tool in understanding and using composites in creating structures that perform within their design requirements.
INTRODUCTION, John HodgkinsonGENERAL PRINCIPLES AND PERSPECTIVES, Stan TurnerMechanical Testing in PerspectiveThe Formal Framework for Mechanical Test MethodsSpecial Features of the Mechanical Testing of CompositesThe Nature and Quality of Test DataMechanical Tests for Long Fibre CompositesConcluding CommentsSupplementary ReadingSPECIMEN PREPARATION, F.L. MatthewsLaminate ProductionQuality CheckingSpecimen ManufactureStrain GaugingTENSION, E.W. GodwinTesting EquipmentSpecimen DetailsTest ProcedureData ReductionMaterial and Sample PreparationPractical ExampleFuture DevelopmentsCOMPRESSION, F.L. MatthewsIntroductionTypes of TestsStandardsSpecimen PreparationSpecimen ConfigurationsExecution and ProblemsTypical ResultsSHEAR, W.R. BroughtonTest MethodsSummary of Test MethodsComparison of DataRecommendations and Concluding RemarksFLEXURE, John HodgkinsonThree- and Four-Point Flexure TestsComparison of Recommended Test MethodsFailure ModesTypical DataSteel versus Soft Lined RollersThrough-Thickness FlexureTHROUGH-THICKNESS TESTING, W.R. BroughtonGeneral IssuesTensile Test MethodsCompression Test MethodsShear Test MethodsConcluding RemarksINTERLAMINAR FRACTURE TOUGHNESS, Paul Robinson and John HodgkinsonTerminology and Typical ValuesOverview of Test Methods and StandardsMode I TestingMode II TestingMixed Mode I/IIMulti-Direction LaminatesIMPACT AND DAMAGE TOLERANCE, P. Hogg and G.A. GiboIntroductionImpact TestingDamage Tolerance-Compression after Impact TestsThe Boeing Test Methods and Related VariantsData InterpretationStandardization StatusFuture TrendsFATIGUE, P.T. CurtisBasic Test PhilosophyMachines and Control ModesPresentation of DataMonitoring Fatigue Damage GrowthPotential ProblemsFatigue Life PredictionPost-Fatigue Residual StrengthReferencesWhy Environmental Testing?Environmental Threats to CompositesStandard TestsSample ConditioningExperimental ApproachesDetermination of Sorbtion BehaviourLowering of Tg by Absorbed LiquidsHow do Composites Perform in Adverse Environments?Diffusion of Liquids into CompostiesClassification of Absorption CategoriesEdge CorrectionsBackgroundInvestigation of FailurePractical Application ExamplesSpecialized-Scaling Techniques in CompositesIntroductionThe Importance of Looking at Data PlotsBasic StatisticsDistribution of Sample StatisticsTesting for Differences Between SamplesComparing Several Samples SimultaneouslyA General Linear Model (GLM)Development of Test MethodsValidation of Test MethodsSources of Standards and Test MethodsHarmonization of Composite Test MethodsRecommended Mechanical Test MethodsBibliography-Selected ISO StandardsAppendix: Contact Details for Standards OrganizationsChapters also contain introductions, summaries, concluding remarks, and references.