考古学と文化遺産:研究入門<br>Archaeology and Heritage : An Introduction


Archaeology and Heritage : An Introduction

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 242 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780826458957
  • DDC分類 930.1


Contents: Heritage All Around Us/ Components of the Heritage and Their Treatment/ Institutions of Heritage/ 'Public' Archaeologies 1: Defining the Public/ 'Public' Archaeologies 2: Engaging with the Public/ The Value 'Debate' in Archaeology/ Relocating Heritage in Archaeology.

Full Description

This work is intended as an approachable introduction aimed at students of archaeology, history or museum and heritage studies. Unlike most textbooks on heritage which discuss the creation of heritage as a cultural phenomenon or offer practical guides to heritage practices, it attempts to take a fresh approach by providing an introduction to themes in the field of heritage as it relates to the material legacy of our past. A survey of current approaches to theorizing archaeological practice presents some ideas about how we understand and relate to the remains, sites, structures and buildings that have come to our present from the past. The book is divided into seven chapters, each preceded by a short interlude which considers the types of literature and ways of talking about heritage which characterize that approach. A brief section is dedicated to highlight current trends. Key points are reiterated at the end of each chapter and are followed by a list of suggested reading.


Preface: The Aims of this Book Introductory Interlude: A Note About Literature and Discourses of Heritage and Archaeology 1. Heritage All Around Us 2. Components of the Heritage and Their Treatment 3. Institutions of Heritage 4. 'Public' Archaeologies 1: Defining the Public 5. 'Public' Archaeologies 2: Engaging with the Public 6. The Value 'Debate' in Archaeology 7. Relocating Heritage in Archaeology