日本におけるフィールドワークの実践<br>Doing Fieldwork in Japan


Doing Fieldwork in Japan

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 392 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780824827342
  • DDC分類 301.072052


North American and European specialists discuss their successes and failures doing fieldwork across rural and urban Japan in a wide range of settings: among religious pilgrims and adolescent consumers; etc.

Full Description

This volume taps the expertise of North American and European specialists on the practicalities of conducting long-term research in the social sciences and cultural studies. In first-person accounts, they discuss their successes and failures doing fieldwork across rural and urban Japan in a wide range of settings: among religious pilgrims and adolescent consumers; on factory assembly lines and in high schools and wholesale seafood markets; with bureaucrats in charge of defense, foreign aid and social welfare policy; inside radical political movements; among adherents of ""New Religions""; inside a prosecutor's office and the JET Program for foreign English teachers; with journalists in the NHK newsroom; while researching race, ethnicity and migration; and amidst fans and consumers of contemporary popular culture.
