オペラ研究便覧(第2版)<br>Opera : A Research and Information Guide (Routledge Music Bibliographies)


Opera : A Research and Information Guide (Routledge Music Bibliographies)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 654 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780815335160
  • DDC分類 016.7821


This edition presents 2,833 titles of books, etc. In European languages, with full bibliographic descriptions and critical annotation. Users will find the core literature on the operas of 320 individual composers and details of operatic life in 43 countries.

Full Description

Opera is the only guide to the research writings on all aspects of opera. This second edition presents 2,833 titles--over 2,000 more than the first edition--of books, parts of books, articles and dissertations with full bibliographic descriptions and critical annotations. Users will find the core literature on the operas of 320 individual composers and details of operatic life in 43 countries. All relevant works through to November 1999 have been considered, covering more than fifteen years of literature since the first edition was published.


Foreword, Introduction, Abbreviations, I. Bibliographies, II. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, III. Histories, IV. Editions and Excerpts, V. Libraries, VI. Opera Houses, VII. International Directories, VIII. Periodicals, Yearbooks, and Series, IX. Biographies, X. Opera Plots, XI. Libretti and Librettists, XII. Production, XIII. Philosophy and Theory of Opera, XVI. Opera Recordings and Discography, XVII. Composers and Their Operas, XVIII. Countries, XIX. Indexes
