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Catholic Press Association Award Winner!
In order to promote the Church's ongoing efforts to share the boundless riches of the divine Word with the faithful entrusted to its care" (Dei Verbum 25), The Scripture Documents reproduces in one volume key documents that record Catholic teaching on the interpretation of the Bible.
Intended as a reference work, this collection of conciliar, papal, and curial documents on sacred Scripture includes for each official document a brief historical introduction that facilitates a contextual understanding of each document, a running annotation, and a select bibliography of available commentaries and related works.
Like the Canon of Scriptures itself, this collection includes various kinds of documents authored by different Roman ecclesiastical authorities within the Church's Teaching Office and expressed in several different literary forms. Each document addresses issues and problems peculiar to the historical situation in which it was written.
The Scripture Documents provides easy access to those official documents that record some of the Church's efforts to promote and guide the study of the Bible among the faithful. The teaching these instructions convey is helpful for all who seek to read and interpret the Scriptures in the light of faith.
Dean P. Bechard, SJ, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Theology at Fordham University.
Foreword vii
Preface ix
Abbreviations xi
________ Part One ________
Conciliar Documents
1. Council of Trent 3
Fourth Session, First Decree 3
Fourth Session, Second Decree 4
Fifth Session, Second Decree 6
2. First Vatican Council 14
Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith, Dei Filius 14
3. Second Vatican Council 19
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum 19
______ Part Two ______
Papal Documents
1. Leo XIII. Encyclical Letter on the Study of Scripture, Providentissimus Deus 37
2. Leo XIII. Apostolic Letter Instituting a Commission for Biblical Studies, Vigilantiae studiique 62
3. Pius X. Apostolic Letter on the Study of Scripture in Seminaries, Quoniam in re biblica 67
4. Pius X. Encyclical Letter on the Doctrine of the Modernists, Pascendi dominici gregis 71
5. Pius X. Apostolic Letter Issued motu proprio on the Decisions of the Biblical Commission, Praestantia Scripturae Sacrae 78
6. Benedict XV. Encyclical Letter Commemorating the Fifteenth Centenary of the Death of St. Jerome, Spiritus Paraclitus 81
7. Pius XI. Apostolic Letter Issued motu proprio on Academic Standards for Teachers of Scripture, Bibliorum scientiam 112
8. Pius XII. Encyclical Letter Promoting Biblical Studies, Divino afflante Spiritu 115
9. Pius XII. Encyclical Letter on Certain False Opinions Threatening to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine, Humani generis 140
10. Paul VI. Apostolic Letter Issued motu proprio on New Laws Regulating the Pontifical Biblical Commission, Sedula cura 147
11. Paul VI. Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission on the Ecclesial Role of Biblical Studies 151
12. John Paul II. Apostolic Constitution Promulgating the Neo-Vulgate Edition of the Bible, Scripturarum thesaurus 157
13. John Paul II. Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission on the Biblical Sciences and the Teaching Office of the Church 160
14. John Paul II. Address Commemorating the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Dei Verbum 163
15. John Paul II. Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission on the Nature of Catholic Interpretation of the Bible 167
16. John Paul II. Address on the Interpretation of the Bible in the Church 170
_____ Part Three _____
Curial Documents
1. Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office. Decree Condemning Certain Errors of the Modernists, Lamentabili sane 183
2. Responses of the Pontifical Biblical Commission 187
I. On Implied Quotations Contained in Sacred Scripture 187
II. Concerning Historical Narratives 188
III. On the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch 188
IV. On the Authorship and Historicity of the Fourth Gospel 190
V. On the Character and Authorship of the Book of Isaiah 191
VI. On the Historicity of Genesis 1-3 192
VII. On the Authorship and Time of Composition of the Psalms 195
VIII. On the Authorship, Date of Composition, and Historicity of the Gospel of Matthew 197
IX. On the Authorship, Time of Composition, and Historicity of the Gospels of Mark and Luke 199
X. On the Synoptic Question or the Mutual Relations Among the First Three Gospels 201
XI. On the Authorship, Time of Composition, and Historicity of Acts 202
XII. On the Authorship, Integrity, and Time of Composition of the Pastoral Epistles of the Apostle Paul 204
XIII. On the Authorship and Manner of Composition of the Letter to the Hebrews 205
XIV. On the Parousia or the Second Coming of Our Lord in the Letters of St. Paul the Apostle 207
XV. Declaration on Certain Added Verses in Editions of the Vulgate 208
XVI. On the False Interpretation of Two Texts 209
3. Pontifical Biblical Commission. Letter to the Archbishops and Bishops of Italy 212
4. Pontifical Biblical Commission. Letter to Cardinal Suhard 221
5. Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office. Warning to Those Who Expound the Scriptures 225
6. Pontifical Biblical Commission. Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels, Sancta Mater Ecclesia 227
7. Interdicasterial Commission for the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church 236
8. Pontifical Biblical Commission. Document on the Interpretation of the Bible in the Church 244
Appendix. The Early Responsa of the Pontifical Biblical Commission 318
Index of Citations 330
Index of Topics 347