Gullah Home Cooking the Daufuskie Way : Smokin' Joe Butter Beans, Ol' 'Fuskie Fried Crab Rice, Sticky-Bush Blackberry Dumpling, and Other Sea Island Favorites


Gullah Home Cooking the Daufuskie Way : Smokin' Joe Butter Beans, Ol' 'Fuskie Fried Crab Rice, Sticky-Bush Blackberry Dumpling, and Other Sea Island Favorites

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 192 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780807854563
  • DDC分類 641.5975799

Full Description

If there's one thing we learned coming up on Daufuskie, remembers Sallie Ann Robinson, ""it's the importance of good, home-cooked food."" In this enchanting book, Robinson presents the delicious, robust dishes of her native Sea Islands and offers readers a taste of the unique, West African-influenced Gullah culture still found there. Living on a South Carolina island accessible only by boat, Daufuskie folk have traditionally relied on the bounty of fresh ingredients found on the land and in the waters that surround them. The 100 home-style dishes presented here include salads and side dishes, seafood, meat and game, rice, quick meals, breads, and desserts. Gregory Wrenn Smith's photographs evoke the sights and tastes of Daufuskie. ""Here are my family's recipes,"" writes Robinson, weaving warm memories of the people who made and loved these dishes and clear instructions for preparing them. She invites readers to share in the joys of Gullah home cooking the Daufuskie way, to make her family's recipes their own.
