The Psychology of Evaluation : Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion


The Psychology of Evaluation : Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 432 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780805840476
  • DDC分類 153.4

Full Description

The affective connotations of environmental stimuli are evaluated spontaneously and with minimal cognitive processing. The activated evaluations influence subsequent emotional and cognitive processes. Featuring original contributions from leading researchers active in this area, this book reviews and integrates the most recent research and theories on this exciting new topic. Many fundamental issues regarding the nature of and relationship between evaluations, cognition, and emotion are covered. The chapters explore the mechanisms and boundary conditions of automatic evaluative processes, the determinants of valence, indirect measures of individual differences in the evaluation of social stimuli, and the relationship between evaluations and mood, as well as emotion and behavior. Offering a highly integrated and comprehensive coverage of the field, this book is suitable as a core textbook in advanced courses dealing with the role of evaluations in cognition and emotion.


Contents: J. Musch, K.C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: An Introduction. Part I:Mechanisms, Boundary Conditions, and Theories of Automatic Evaluation.K.C. Klauer, J. Musch, Affective Priming: Findings and Theories. D. Wentura, K. Rothermund, The "Meddling-In" of Affective Information: A General Model of Automatic Evaluation. J. Glaser, Reverse Priming: Implications for the (Un)conditionality of Automatic Evaluation. K. Fiedler, The Hidden Vicissitudes of the Priming Paradigm in Evaluative Judgment Research. Part II:Evaluative Judgments and the Acquisition of Evaluations.D. Hermans, F. Baeyens, P. Eelen, On the Acquisition and Activation of Evaluative Information in Memory: The Study of Evaluative Learning and Affective Priming Combined. M. Ferguson, J. Bargh, The Constructive Nature of Automatic Evaluation. P. Winkielman, N. Schwarz, T. Fazendeiro, R. Reber, The Hedonic Marking of Processing Fluency: Implications for Evaluative Judgment. Part III:Individual Differences and Indirect Measures of Evaluation.J. De Houwer, A Structural Analysis of Indirect Measures of Attitudes. R. Banse, Beyond Verbal Self-Report: Priming Methods in Relationship Research. M.D. Robinson, P.T. Vargas, E.C. Crawford, Putting Process Into Personality, Appraisal, and Emotion: Evaluative Processing as a Missing Link. Part IV:The Role of Evaluation in Mood, Emotion, and Behavior.P. Niedenthal, A. Rohmann, N. Dalle, What Is Primed by Emotion Concepts and Emotion Words? G. Clore, S. Colcombe, The Parallel Worlds of Affective Concepts and Feelings. R. Neumann, J. Förster, F. Strack, Motor Compatibility: The Bidirectional Link Between Behavior and Evaluation.
