Holding Stone Hands : On the Trail of the Cheyenne Exodus

Holding Stone Hands : On the Trail of the Cheyenne Exodus

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 361 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780803261853
  • DDC分類 973

Full Description

In 1878 approximately three hundred Northern Cheyennes under the leadership of Dull Knife and Little Wolf fled shameful conditions on an Indian Territory reservation in present-day Oklahoma. Settled there against their will, they were making a peaceful attempt to return to their homeland in the Tongue River country of Montana. Despite earlier promises that the Cheyennes could choose to leave the reservation, government officials declared them renegades and sent thousands of soldiers in pursuit. In 1995 Alan Boye set out on foot to follow Dull Knife's thousand-mile flight through the sparsely populated wilderness of America's high plains. Along the way he was joined by descendants of Dull Knife. Holding Stone Hands is the tale of two journeys. Boye provides a vivid, moving account of the Cheyennes' struggle to return to Montana. At the same time, he details the trek he and his Cheyenne companions made through four states and his growing understanding of why the Cheyennes' longing for their homeland was stronger than their desire to live. Alan Boye is a professor of English at Vermont's Lyndon State College.His books include A Guide to the Ghosts of Lincoln and The Complete Roadside Guide to Nebraska.
