宗教と暴力:カントからデリダまでの哲学的視角<br>Religion and Violence : Philosophical Perspectives from Kant to Derrida


Religion and Violence : Philosophical Perspectives from Kant to Derrida

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 470 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780801867675
  • DDC分類 210


"Hent de Vries counters the reductions of ethics to morality (and to moralism) by offering a capacious understanding of error as essential to the ethical turn." - Judith Butler, University of California, Berkeley.

Full Description

Does violence inevitably shadow our ethico-political engagements and decisions, including our understandings of identity, whether collective or individual? Questions that touch upon ethics and politics can greatly benefit from being rephrased in terms borrowed from the arsenal of religious and theological figures, because the association of such figures with a certain violence keeps moralism, whether in the form of fideism or humanism, at bay. Religion and Violence: Philosophical Perspectives from Kant to Derrida's careful posing of such questions and rearticulations pioneers new modalities for systematic engagement with religion and philosophy alike.


Contents: Preface and Acknowledgments Abbreviations Introduction 1 State, Academy, Censorship: The Question of Religious Tolerance 2 Violence and Testimony: Kierkegaardian Meditations 3 Anti-Babel: The Theologico-Political at Cross Purposes 4 Hospitable Thought: Before and beyond Cosmopolitism Bibliography Index