Educating for Life - Reflections on Christian Teaching and Learning


Educating for Life - Reflections on Christian Teaching and Learning

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 300 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780801024795
  • DDC分類 371.071

Full Description

Few people have influenced the development of Christian schools in the Reformed tradition in North America and around the world as much as Nicholas Wolterstorff. This book draws together the world-renowned Christian philosopher's thoughts and reflections on Christian education over the last three decades. As a tribute to his contributions, Calvin College education professors Gloria Goris Stronks and Clarence W. Joldersma have organized a broad array of writings and unpublished speeches into a cohesive volume. The guiding principle in making selections was the inclusion of pieces that speak to people who struggle with what makes education truly Christian.
Wolterstorff's writings on education are divided into four sections. In the first section, he discusses the nature of Christian education. The second section finds Wolterstorff examining criticisms of Christian education. The third section offers his observations on Christian learning within a pluralistic society. Finally, in the fourth section, he looks at some of the goals of Christian education. Of interest to many as a significant development in his maturing thought is the ever increasing role that justice should play in Christian education.
Educating for Life portrays Wolterstorff's evolving thinking on education while paying tribute to him as one of the premier Christian philosophers of our day.
