Alternatives to Pesticides in Stored-Product Ipm


Alternatives to Pesticides in Stored-Product Ipm

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 437 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780792379768
  • DDC分類 631.568

Full Description

Insects associated with raw grain and processed food cause qualitative and quantitative losses. Preventing these losses caused by stored-product insects is essential from the farmer's field to the consumer's table. While traditional pesticides play a significant role in stored-product integrated pest management (IPM), there has recently been, and will continue to be, a greater emphasis on alternative approaches. Alternatives to Pesticides in Stored-Product IPM details the most promising methods, ranging from extreme temperatures to the controversial radiation, and from insect-resistant packaging to pathogens. This collection is essential for anyone in academia, industry, or government interested in pest ecology or food or grain science.


1 Monitoring and decision tools.- 2 Sanitation and exclusion.- 3 Aeration.- 4 Temperature.- 5 Modified atmospheres.- 6 Insect growth regulators.- 7 Varietal resistance.- 8 Pathogens.- 9 Parasites and predators.- 10 Pheromones.- 11 Botanicals.- 12 Inert dusts.- 13 Radiation.- 14 Impact.- 15 Integration.
