Post-Jungian Criticism : Theory and Practice


Post-Jungian Criticism : Theory and Practice

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 334 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780791459584
  • DDC分類 801.95

Full Description

Rereads Jung in light of contemporary theoretical concerns, and offers a variety of examples of post-Jungian literary and cultural criticism.

This groundbreaking collection brings the range and diversity of post-Jungian thought into the realm of contemporary literary and cultural criticism. These essays explore, expand, critique, and apply post-Jungian critical theory as they revisit and reread Jung's own writings from numerous perspectives. No longer treated as a source of clear, unequivocal, authoritative pronouncement, Jung's writings are themselves subjected to critical, deconstructive readings, and several of the essays confront head-on Jung's evident racism, antifeminism, anti-Semitism, and political conservatism. While not downplaying such charges, the contributors outline an alternative, post-Jungian theory responsive to contemporary feminist, postcolonial, and poststructural concerns. The result is not just a critical reinterpretation but, more important, a regeneration of Jungian thought.


Andrew Samuels

Introduction: Situating Jung in Contemporary Critical Theory
George H. Jensen

Jung's Ghost Stories: Jung for Literary Theory in Feminism, Poststructuralism, and Postmodernism
Susan Rowland

Theorizing Writerly Creativity: Jung with Lacan?
Oliver Davis

Detective Films and Images of the Orient: A Post-Jungian Reflection
Luke Hockley

Airing (Erring) the Soul: An Archetypal View of Television
Keith Polette

Jane Iterare: Jane Eyre as a Feminist Revision of the Hero's Journey
Tita French Baumlin and James S. Baumlin

Pre-Raphaelite Paintings and Jungian Images in Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White
Sophia Andres

Drs. Jung and Chekhov: Physicians of the Soul
Sally Porterfield

Opened Ground from a Jungian Perspective: The Father Archetype in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney
J. R. Atfield

"The Sun's Children": Shadow Work in the Poetry of LeRoi Jones/Imamu Amiri Baraka
Rebecca Meacham

Sharing a Shadow: The Image of the Shrouded Stranger in the Works of Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg
James T. Jones

In the Buddha's Shadow: Jung, Zen, and the Poetry of Jane Hirshfield
Andrew Elkins

A Bibliography of Jungian and Post-Jungian Criticism, 1980-2000
Marcia Nichols

Notes on Contributors
