日常生活における魂<br>The Soul in Everyday Life


The Soul in Everyday Life

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 288 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780791458631
  • DDC分類 150.195


Working in the tradition of Nietzsche, Freud, Jung, and Jung's student James Hillman, Chapelle reaches back into millennia of Western thought to put the "psyche" back in "psychology".

Full Description

Argues that contemporary psychology neglects the soul and addresses ways to remedy this.

The Soul in Everyday Life argues that modern psychology has given up on dealing with the idea of soul (or psyche), even though the field is named after it. If psychology wishes to be truly satisfying, it needs to be more than behavioral science, according to Daniel Chapelle. He concludes that psychology can only satisfy the deepest human needs when it can offer a sense of soul in everyday life. He explores ways of restoring this sense of soul to everyday life by examining how talk about something as elusive as the soul is possible and by reanimating a sense for what the notion of soul can mean. Working in the tradition of Nietzsche, Freud, Jung, and Jung's student James Hillman, Chapelle reaches back into millennia of Western thought to reanimate the dying sense of soul in everyday life and put the "psyche" back in "psychology."




Introduction: Finding Ways to Talk about the Soul

Part I: The Goal

1. The Soul's Own Fundamentalism

2. How to Become Who One Is

3. Splendor Beyond Good and Evil

4. Now and Always

5. First Invention, Then Discovery

6. To Find a Good Book to Live In

Part II: The Method

7. Magical Realism in Everyday Life

8. Immaculate Conception in Everyday Life

9. Here and Now

10. It Is Enough and It Is Good

11. Seeing Is Believing

12. Everyman's Own Double


Works Cited

