Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy

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Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 310 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780789017864
  • DDC分類 616.89

Full Description

Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy provides mainstream academics and practitioners with easy access to cutting-edge thinking in social constructionist psychology and therapy. This unique book is geared to readers who may not be familiar with narrative, social constructionist, or critical psychology and therapy, presenting contemporary theory and practice with a minimum of jargon. The field's leading practitioners and theorists demonstrate, through a collaborative and relational focus, how to work with people, rather than on them in a mutual, co-constructive exchange.

Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy bridges the gap between modern and postmodern theory, providing a well-rounded view that enables readers to see how contemporary theory can be applied in various subdisciplines. Each user-friendly chapter is virtually free of technical terms, beginning with a readable thumbnail summary of the practical, accessible material that follows. The book includes case studies and examples, illustrations, tables, a brief glossary of the few terms that do need explaining, and suggestions for additional readings.

Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy includes easy-to-apply ideas on:

therapeutic practice
and much more!

Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy is a practical, accessible resource for psychology and therapy students and practitioners, academics working in psychotherapy training and supervision, critical psychology, and psychological research. The book provides vital information for theorists and professionals interested in relational and collaborative practice on psychology and therapy, including clinical psychologists, individual, couple, and family therapists, school counselors, and social workers.


* About the Editors
* Contributors
* Foreword
* Acknowledgments
* Introduction: Toward an Ethic of Hospitality
* Theory: Beyond Persuasion—Theorizing without Violence
* Chapter 1. Social Construction As Practical Theory: Lessons for Practice and Reflection in Psychotherapy
* Persuasion As Pervasive
* Providing a Conversational Arena
* Social Construction
* Meaning As Relational
* From Method to Daily Engagements (Performances)
* Social Construction As Practical Theory
* Chapter 2. Therapy Theory After the Postmodern Turn
* Our Postmodern Turn
* The New Vision of Affirmative Postmodernism
* Creating Paralogy
* Summary and Conclusion
* Chapter 3. Collaboration Within a Pragmatic Tradition: The Psychotherapeutic Legacy of William James
* Introduction
* If There Was a Jamesian Clinical Tradition . . .
* Pluralism, Skepticism, and Radical Empiricism—What Might This Mean for a Collaborative Therapy?
* Empirically Informed Therapy
* Pragmatic Clinical Practice
* Conclusion
* Chapter 4. Knowing More Than We Can Say
* Postmodern Discourse
* Trying to Face the Unsayable
* Into the Therapist
* Toward Practice
* Chapter 5. On the Way to “Presence”: Methods of a “Social Poetics”
* Mutual Responsivity
* From Fixity to Fluidity, from Entanglements to Self-Respect: Conversational Ethics
* Orienting Images and Examples: Methods of a Social Poetics
* Conclusion: The Conversational-Poetic Stance
* Therapy: “Knowing-With” in Therapeutic Practice
* Chapter 6. Relational Attunement: Internal and External Reflections on Harmonizing with Clients
* Four Ways of Knowing
* Slowing Myself Down to Stay Closer to Clients' Meanings
* Being Transparent
* How Can I Help?
* Ways to Ask for Feedback
* Closing Moments
* Chapter 7. Talking About “Knowing-With” (Like A Team!)
* Chapter 8. A Room of Their Own
* Initial Formulation and Application of the Intervention
* Subsequent Applications of the Intervention
* Theoretical Possibilities: Space, Status, and the Struggle for Recognition
* Alternative Applications
* Chapter 9. Young People and Adults in a Team Against Harassment: Bringing Forth Student Knowledge and Skill
* Working As Adults with a Team of Young People
* Stepping Back As Adults
* Discovering Student Knowledge
* Passing on Student Mediation Knowledge
* Team Building
* Future Planning and Directions
* Trust
* Chapter 10. Knowing-With: Moral Questions of Relationship
* First Vignette
* Second Vignette
* Third Vignette
* Final Thoughts
* Supervision and Training: Relational Practices in Supervision and Training
* Chapter 11. Countercultural Therapy: An Attempt to Match Pedagogy to Practice
* Chapter 12. Introducing Social Constructionist and Critical Psychology into Clinical Psychology Training
* Introduction
* Contexts for Training
* Practice Examples in Academic Teaching
* Chapter 13. Storying Counselors: Producing Professional Selves in Supervision
* Introduction
* Counselor Author-ity in Supervision
* Some Problems with Developmental Assumptions
* Multiple Voices: Producing Possibilities for Practice
* Sharing the Cloak: Relational Responsibility in Supervision
* Stories for Action: The Work of Supervision
* Chapter 14. Power, Gender, and Accountability in Supervision
* Historical Context
* Mentoring or Monitoring?
* Constructions of Power in Supervision
* The Project
* Findings and Discussion
* Conclusion
* Chapter 15. Respectful Super-Vision: Avoiding Relational Violence
* Deconstructing Super-Vision
* Our Supervision History/Herstory: Does It Have Anything to Teach Us?
* Preferred versus Nonpreferred Supervisor Adjectives
* More Questions to Consider
* What Does All This Mean?
* Concluding Remark