Bullying Behavior : Current Issues, Research, and Interventions


Bullying Behavior : Current Issues, Research, and Interventions

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 216 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780789014351
  • DDC分類 371.58

Full Description

These timely intervention strategies make your school safer for everyone!Bullying Behavior: Current Issues, Research, and Interventions provides the most up-to-date reports on the dynamics of bullying, including who bullies and why, who the victims are, and how depression and anxiety are correlated with bullying. It also presents detailed case studies of successful anti-bullying strategies for both local schools and national campaigns. Drawing on national and international clinical research, this book is indispensable for teachers and school administrators, therapists and child psychologists, social workers, child advocates and counselors, court personnel, probation officers, and education policymakers. Bullying Behavior addresses all the issues of bullying, including:

preventing sexual harassment
models of bully and victim behavior
the roles of dominance and bullying in the development of early heterosexual relationships
psychosocial correlates in bullying and victimization
peer influences during early adolescence
students who are passive observers to the victimization of others


Introduction—What a Difference a Discipline Makes: Bullying Research and Future Directions
Theoretical Perspectives
Bullying in Schools: An Ecological Framework
Tripartite Beliefs Models of Bully and Victim Behavior
Conversations with Middle School Students About Bullying and Victimization: Should We Be Concerned?
The Roles of Dominance and Bullying in the Development of Early Heterosexual Relationships
Dynamics of Bullying Behavior: Clinical Research
The Interrelationships of Behavioral Indices of Bully and Victim Behavior
Psychosocial Correlates in Bullying and Victimization: The Relationship Between Depression, Anxiety, and Bully/Victim Status
Bullying and Victimization During Early Adolescence: Peer Influences and Psychosocial Correlates
Interventions and Prevention
Middle School Bullying as a Context for the Development of Passive Observers to the Victimization of Others
Preventing Bullying and Sexual Harassment in Elementary Schools: The Expect Respect Model
Self-Efficacy in a New Training Model for the Prevention of Bullying in Schools
Reference Notes Included
