Fault Detectability in Dwdm : Toward Higher Signal Quality & System Reliability


Fault Detectability in Dwdm : Toward Higher Signal Quality & System Reliability

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 156 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780780360440
  • DDC分類 621.3827

Full Description

Enhance your understanding of the failure mechanisms of optical components, and draft fault detection guidelines to design a robust Dense Wavelength Digital Multiplexing (DWDM) system and network that exhibits and maintains optical signal quality and system reliability. This valuable reference builds on Dr. Kartalopoulos' seminal book on the subject, Introduction to DWDM Technology: Data in a Rainbow, providing an analytical approach to degradations and 'photonic' faults that affect the quality of the multiwavelength transmission of optical signals.

Organized in six chapters, FAULT DETECTABILITY IN DWDM includes detailed descriptions of the properties of light and optical communications, optical components, interaction of wavelengths and faults affecting the quality of the optical signal and the system, correlation of faults, aspects of fault management, and current issues in DWDM.

This comprehensive book directs practicing electrical engineers, optical systems designers, optical network architects, fault management engineers, technical managers, optical systems technical marketing and optical communications students on how to use DWDM technology efficiently, effectively and reliably.


Preface. Acknowledgments.


Chapter 1: Properties of Light and Matter.

1.1: Introduction.

1.2: Nature of Light.

1.3: Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction.

1.4: Polarization of Light.

1.5: Propagation of Light.

1.6: Fiber Birefringence and Polarization.

1.7: Dispersion.

1.8: Fiber Attenuation and Loss.

1.9: Fiber Spectrum Utilization.

1.10: Nonlinear Phenomena.

1.11: Spectral Broadening.

1.12: Self-Phase Modulation.

1.13: Self-Modulation or Modulation Instability.

1.14: Effects of Temperature on Matter and Light.

1.15: Light Attributes.

1.16: Material Attributes.

1.17: Measurable Parameters.



Chapter 2: Optical Components.

2.1: Introduction.

2.2: Laser Sources.

2.3: Optical Comb Generators.

2.4: Chirped-Pulse Laser Sources.

2.5: Modulators.

2.6: Photodetectors.

2.7: Fixed Optical Filters.

2.8: Tunable Optical Filters.

2.9: Diffraction Gratings.

2.10: Arrayed Waveguide Grating.

2.11: Directional Couplers.

2.12: Optical Isolators.

2.13: Polarizers, Rotators, and Circulators.

2.14: Optical Equalizers.

2.15: Superprisms.

2.16: Optical Multiplexers and Demultiplexers.

2.17: Optical Cross-Connects.

2.18: Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers.

2.19: Optical Amplifiers.

2.20: Classification of Optical Fiber Amplifiers.

2.21: Wavelength Converters.



Chapter 3: Parameters Affecting the Optical DWDM Signal.

3.1: Introduction.

3.2: Component Parameters.



Chapter 4: Faults Affecting the Optical DWDM Signal.

4.1: Introduction.

4.2: Components.

4.3: Filters: Fabry-Perot (Passive, Fixed).

4.4: Filters: Fiber Bragg Grating (Passive, Fixed).

4.5: Filters: Chirped FBG (Passive, Fixed).

4.6: Filters: Acousto-Optic Tunable Ti:LiNbO3.

4.7: SOA: InGaAsP.

4.8: OFA: Factors Affecting Integrity and Quality of Signal.

4.9: OFA: Single Pump.

4.10: OFA: Double Pump.

4.11: Mux/Demux.

4.12: OXC: MEMS.

4.13: OXC: LiNbO3.

4.14: OXC Liquid Crystal.

4.15: OADM: LiNbO3 Based.

4.16: OADM: MEMS with Grating.

4.17: Transmitter: Laser.

4.18: Receiver: PIN Diode.

4.19: Fiber: Single Mode.



Chapter 5: Fault Correlation.

5.1: Introduction.

5.2: Correlation of Faults and Component Parameter Changes.

5.3: Open Issues: Nonlinear Effects.



Chapter 6: Toward DWDM Fault Management and Current Issues.

6.1: Introduction.

6.2: Toward Fault Management.

6.3: Current Issues.

6.4: Engineering DWDM Systems: Conclusion.





About the Author.