Teaching Children 3-11 : A Student's Guide


Teaching Children 3-11 : A Student's Guide

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 264 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780761954897
  • DDC分類 372.1102

Full Description

Teaching Children 3-11 is a thought-provoking and accessible guide to essential practices within primary education. Written by experienced and successful education practitioners, this book enables the reader to become a capable, caring and confident professional, fully prepared to educate the adults of the future. The contributors cover all aspects of working within schools which trainees encounter before, during and after their training courses. They also: encourage readers to reflect on their own experiences; include suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter


Anne D Cockburn Setting Out / Gillian Preece Observation / Anne D Cockburn Motivation and Learning within the Classroom / Sue Cox Approaches to Teaching and Learning / Rob Barnes Classroom Skills / Rob Barnes Classroom Management and Positive Ethos / Alan Pagden The Three Phases of Schooling / Jenifer Smith Reflection / Derek Haylock Assessment / Derek Haylock Short-Term Planning and Medium-Term Planning / Ann Browne Becoming Confident with Teaching English / Derek Haylock Teaching Numeracy / Ann Oliver Learning to Teach Science / Rob Barnes Making ICT Meaningful / Gillian Preece Working with Other Adults / Ann Oliver The Tutor's Visit / Anne D Cockburn Finding a First Teaching Post